Saturday, March 01, 2008

No One Sleeping Around Here

Saturday, 1 March 2008

It's 7 am, and I'm eating my two eggs (my usual morning breakfast of protein that I can't live without to start my days) because I got all dressed for yoga but didn't make it out the door in time to get to the 7 am class. So, I'm eating now just in case I decide to go to the 9 am class (I say "in case" because I usually don't like to go at 9 am when the sun is blazing out and the room is just too hot to do hot yoga.). I can last on no food at the 7 am class, but I can't get through the 9 am class on an empty stomach. It was a LONG night last night. After my high hopes of trying to make this a sleep training weekend for Chase, I gave up after his first 15 minute crying spell when I first tried to put him to bed at 8 pm last night. He ended up waking up every hour after that, all night long, probably giving me hell because he was mad at me for trying to let him self-soothe on his own. So, I ended up nursing him all night long, another thing I was trying to retrain him on (to eliminate those middle-of-the-night feedings), but with no sleep on my part, I just gave in. As a result, he slept in bed with us for most of the night, rolling over and flipping back and forth (which I also never let him sleep in bed with us, but, like I mentioned before, last night was a long night). Then, at 6 am, Chase wakes up and decides to be all bright and chipper, talking to me, pulling my hair, smiling at me in the dark, and bouncing up and down on my tummy. He only stopped to listen to the birds chirping outside and stare at Chris who was bundled under the covers and passed out besides us. Chris watched him while I "got ready for yoga"....And now we're all up because (after Chris tried to put Chase in his swing and realized he wasn't going to go back to sleep when he was trying to bounce and leap out of the swing to grab the fish mobile above him) Chase is now having a grand 'ole time playing with his toys on the floor.

I think we're going to try and look for a crib for Chase today (We've never had a real crib....He's been sleeping in a Graco Pack-n-Play this whole time), as he would have fun playing with all his toys in his crib, and it's time we invested in one. Perhaps we'll go hiking too...after we take a nap of course.


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