Monday, 30 June 2008
I dropped Chase off at the Halsalls at 8 am this morning so that I could run a bunch of errands: Packed a few boxes at school and made some copies, went to the bank and deposited money from Chase's party, arranged accounts, started new accounts, etc., went to the Ho'olu Hawaiian Data Center to get me and Chase entered into the database for Kamehameha Schools (had to bring all birth certificates tracing the Hawaiian ancestry line), went grocery shopping, picked up Chase, and then dusted and wiped down the rattan couch (what a pain with all the crevices between the strands of bamboo!).
It was a productive day indeed. I guess I have a burst of energy and can focus on house stuff now that the party is done. Chase was cute today, throwing a ball to Nana, then clapping, catching a ball, then clapping, throwing a ball to Popsicle, then clapping, throwing the ball to me, then clapping. He was all about the clapping today. While I was cleaning the couches, moving furniture all over the place, he followed me, and tried to put his shoes in the open "shelves" of the couch. He would get frustrated if one shoe fell out. Two had to be on the shelf at the same time. I would move the furniture, and he would look for me. Then he would try and squeeze himself in between the crack of two pieces of furniture and get frustrated when he didn't fit or if he couldn't see me. It was cute.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Studio Portraits
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Chase has had a lot of firsts since he turned one this week. He has fun copying us. He walked around the living room pushing the back of his Lightning McQueen car (though he would often get stuck when he ran into a wall or other obstacles). He clapped his hands for the first time, though I'm not sure if he's trying to say "more" too because we were eating eggs. I think it was a clap though. I haven't been so consistent with the sign language.
The boy has been hurting me too though. In the first hour since he awoke, he bit me during nursing (and made a cut where you don't want to be cut, so now it burns when he nurses on the right hand side) - he's teething - already his 7th tooth broke through this week, and he's been gnawing on my shoulder and his finger a lot lately, so I know there are more teeth breaking through. Plus, he scratched my eyeball when he threw a magazine at my face, and he poked my eye with a fork. By 7:30 am, I was yelling at Chris to wake up and come get him. Chase is just so active that he doesn't know how to control his body and jumps and bounces around all over the place.
For some reason this morning (perhaps it's because I have no more 1st year birthday lu'au to plan!), I had a burst of energy. Well, also, I opted out of yoga. So, I had Chris take Chase upstairs and I rearranged the entire living room furniture. I vacuumed and swept (which was much needed) and moved all the couches and chairs so that there's a little more space. It looks better. Of course all my guests are gone. I should have done this before they came. But oh well. Now that Chase is more mobile and seems to enjoy nesting objects into crevices, I need to find ways to block off areas where he might hide his toys (though having rattan furniture with cracks in between the cushion and the frame don't help with that problem either, so we'll see how the new arrangement goes.).
We went to Sears today to take Chase's first set of formal studio pictures. We had never taken any before like we had hoped to when he was an infant. I brought a coupon to use, but of course we got suckered into getting a much larger package because of his birthday. He didn't even eat the cupcake prop they used in the photo and kind of freaked out from my reaction when he got the frosting all over. Oh well. He took a nice picture by the wooden number 1 prop. Chris and I decided that each year, we can make this a birthday tradition. He can take a picture by the next number prop and we can see how much he's grown. Eh, you only turn one once. And, now some of you will be getting pictures of Chase in the mail, so you better keep them and treasure them (and not throw them away!).
Tonight, at our Sunday dinner at Big City Diner with the Halsalls, Nana got to feed Chase his first spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream for his birthday. He spit it out several times, but of course, after a few scoops, he kept wanting more. Darn it! Nana was waiting for this day though. She's been wanting to give him ice cream for so long, but we kept refusing. We figured his 1st birthday would be okay. Just a little. So, of course, I videotaped it. On our way out, someone stopped Chris' mom (who was carrying Chase) and asked, "Is this John Mau's grandson?". He played UH volleyball with my dad. We recognized each other from the alumni volleyball games. He told me that my dad is watching over us.
Here are the photos from today's studio shots at Sears. He threw the teddy bear on the floor out of excitement. But, he wasn't so sure about the cupcake...and got scared (as you can see in his face in the photo) when I reacted to him getting the frosting all over the place.
Chase has had a lot of firsts since he turned one this week. He has fun copying us. He walked around the living room pushing the back of his Lightning McQueen car (though he would often get stuck when he ran into a wall or other obstacles). He clapped his hands for the first time, though I'm not sure if he's trying to say "more" too because we were eating eggs. I think it was a clap though. I haven't been so consistent with the sign language.
The boy has been hurting me too though. In the first hour since he awoke, he bit me during nursing (and made a cut where you don't want to be cut, so now it burns when he nurses on the right hand side) - he's teething - already his 7th tooth broke through this week, and he's been gnawing on my shoulder and his finger a lot lately, so I know there are more teeth breaking through. Plus, he scratched my eyeball when he threw a magazine at my face, and he poked my eye with a fork. By 7:30 am, I was yelling at Chris to wake up and come get him. Chase is just so active that he doesn't know how to control his body and jumps and bounces around all over the place.
For some reason this morning (perhaps it's because I have no more 1st year birthday lu'au to plan!), I had a burst of energy. Well, also, I opted out of yoga. So, I had Chris take Chase upstairs and I rearranged the entire living room furniture. I vacuumed and swept (which was much needed) and moved all the couches and chairs so that there's a little more space. It looks better. Of course all my guests are gone. I should have done this before they came. But oh well. Now that Chase is more mobile and seems to enjoy nesting objects into crevices, I need to find ways to block off areas where he might hide his toys (though having rattan furniture with cracks in between the cushion and the frame don't help with that problem either, so we'll see how the new arrangement goes.).
We went to Sears today to take Chase's first set of formal studio pictures. We had never taken any before like we had hoped to when he was an infant. I brought a coupon to use, but of course we got suckered into getting a much larger package because of his birthday. He didn't even eat the cupcake prop they used in the photo and kind of freaked out from my reaction when he got the frosting all over. Oh well. He took a nice picture by the wooden number 1 prop. Chris and I decided that each year, we can make this a birthday tradition. He can take a picture by the next number prop and we can see how much he's grown. Eh, you only turn one once. And, now some of you will be getting pictures of Chase in the mail, so you better keep them and treasure them (and not throw them away!).
Tonight, at our Sunday dinner at Big City Diner with the Halsalls, Nana got to feed Chase his first spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream for his birthday. He spit it out several times, but of course, after a few scoops, he kept wanting more. Darn it! Nana was waiting for this day though. She's been wanting to give him ice cream for so long, but we kept refusing. We figured his 1st birthday would be okay. Just a little. So, of course, I videotaped it. On our way out, someone stopped Chris' mom (who was carrying Chase) and asked, "Is this John Mau's grandson?". He played UH volleyball with my dad. We recognized each other from the alumni volleyball games. He told me that my dad is watching over us.
Here are the photos from today's studio shots at Sears. He threw the teddy bear on the floor out of excitement. But, he wasn't so sure about the cupcake...and got scared (as you can see in his face in the photo) when I reacted to him getting the frosting all over the place.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Copying Mommy
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Though I could have made it, I skipped yoga this morning so that I could spend time with Mom and Gary as they left this morning. We introduced Chase to some new toys in the living room. He likes the Lightning McQueen car, which makes ignition noises, has a radio, and a spoiler (fancy toys these days). But, he probably likes the balloon the most. He was waving to Elmo on the balloon all morning. All week long, he has started waving and shaking his hands like I do when I say "All Pau!" (all done). It's like he turned one and all of a sudden, something clicked in his brain, and he decided to do all these things.
So, of course, we have him doing all these circus tricks now. Watch Chase do this. this. Do that. It's really cute though. He totally studies your every move and just mimics you.
As we were driving around today, he was winking at me and waving simultaneously. I'm going to teach him how to wink and wave and blow kisses at the ladies.
I did loads of laundry today (gave Chris a break...for some reason, now that I'm not working and the party is over, I feel like I have more time and energy to actually do stuff around the house!).
Then, we went to Fisher (an office supply store) and I used my purchase order to buy $125 worth of supplies for the classroom. Lots of composition books, white boards, erasers, containers, and folders. I ran into about four random people there, a family friend, a teacher, someone from yoga, etc.
We had "linner" at Antonio's, a pizza/calzone joint. Chase was funny. I was eating my calzone, while holding him on my lap. I would cut a piece and then dip it in the pizza sauce before eating it. All of a sudden, Chase took a piece of bread and dipped it in the sauce too! It got all over his hand! I laughed. He totally is mimicking everything we do! I have to watch my every move now because someone is watching me! (Just wait till he starts talking! Yikes!)
Though I could have made it, I skipped yoga this morning so that I could spend time with Mom and Gary as they left this morning. We introduced Chase to some new toys in the living room. He likes the Lightning McQueen car, which makes ignition noises, has a radio, and a spoiler (fancy toys these days). But, he probably likes the balloon the most. He was waving to Elmo on the balloon all morning. All week long, he has started waving and shaking his hands like I do when I say "All Pau!" (all done). It's like he turned one and all of a sudden, something clicked in his brain, and he decided to do all these things.
So, of course, we have him doing all these circus tricks now. Watch Chase do this. this. Do that. It's really cute though. He totally studies your every move and just mimics you.
As we were driving around today, he was winking at me and waving simultaneously. I'm going to teach him how to wink and wave and blow kisses at the ladies.
I did loads of laundry today (gave Chris a break...for some reason, now that I'm not working and the party is over, I feel like I have more time and energy to actually do stuff around the house!).
Then, we went to Fisher (an office supply store) and I used my purchase order to buy $125 worth of supplies for the classroom. Lots of composition books, white boards, erasers, containers, and folders. I ran into about four random people there, a family friend, a teacher, someone from yoga, etc.
We had "linner" at Antonio's, a pizza/calzone joint. Chase was funny. I was eating my calzone, while holding him on my lap. I would cut a piece and then dip it in the pizza sauce before eating it. All of a sudden, Chase took a piece of bread and dipped it in the sauce too! It got all over his hand! I laughed. He totally is mimicking everything we do! I have to watch my every move now because someone is watching me! (Just wait till he starts talking! Yikes!)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday, Chase!
Friday, 27 June 2008
Today was Chase's actual first birthday. It was quite uneventful, compared to last weekend, since we celebrated his birthday in a big way the week prior. I let Chase open a gift of his choice (the first bag he pulled successfully off the coffee table). I opened the box. It was a bobblehead race car toy. You push it, and it bobbles along and crashes into the wall. Sometimes the guy in there pops out. It makes funny noises. But what did Chase like? The red tissue paper of course. He loved it! He shook the tissue paper around in both hands and smiled! He loved the box the toy came in too! I even set up the Tow Mater ride on toy Shelly and Jay got him. But, he wasn't quite sure how to sit on it. His balance is not quite right on it yet. So, what did he enjoy playing with the most? The box of course.
I actually went to school today to submit my purchase orders for curriculum materials. Mom and Gary took Chase for a swim at Waialae Beach Park. They met me at school, and we went home to play and eat lunch. In the late afternoon, Chase and I visited Auntie Miya and Taiga. They gave us another ride on car, but a Lightning McQueen one. Taiga sang "Happy Birthday" to Chase. Since Chase hasn't been coming to Miya's daily, it took him a little bit to warm up. But, then he started playing with all the familiar toys in the living room. Back home, Mom and Gary helped me clean out some golf stuff in the closet and take it upstairs.
We celebrated Chase's birthday at the Pyramids restaurant, where Chase fell in love with the belly dancer. We were so excited (and Gary was too) to see the belly dancer. We enjoyed our food (me even more so because I didn't have the stomach flu this time) and marveled over Gary's rice which came formed in the shape of a pyramid on his plate. We had fun showing Chase all the neat Egyptian decor around the restaurant and kept talking about all the pretty belly dancers on the menus. So, we were so disappointed when our server informed us that the belly dancer wouldn't be showing up this evening! What?! That's exactly why we came?! You're disappointing a little boy on his birthday (and a big boy Gary too!).
Shucks. We had to go back home with our cake and ice cream. Too bad Chase fell asleep in the car and was put to bed before he could even have a look at his birthday cake. No ice cream from Nana tonight. And, he didn't even get to open anymore gifts. He was out. The rest of us had birthday cake in his honor, and we sat around for the next hour and a half opening every envelope and present (all which had been sitting on our coffee table the past week since we had the party last weekend). It was fun, yet exhausting. We were tired by the time everyone left!
Now, Chase has money to start his college fund. And about 20 pairs of new pants and shorts, some swim clothes, and toys. Some of my favorite gifts: Gary's homemade Willy the Whale wooden toy, the other store bought wooden toys (like my mom said, we should throw away all the plastic "Made in China" toys), the Japanese kimono outfit from Chris' teacher friend in Okinawa, and of course, my mom's gift of personalized storybooks (with his family and friends' names in the text!).
It was a nice birthday (not that Chase knew any different). And, now the toddlerhood (and my summer - or what's left of it) begins......
Here are photos from Chase's 1st Birthday lu'au, which was celebrated a week earlier at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu.
Today was Chase's actual first birthday. It was quite uneventful, compared to last weekend, since we celebrated his birthday in a big way the week prior. I let Chase open a gift of his choice (the first bag he pulled successfully off the coffee table). I opened the box. It was a bobblehead race car toy. You push it, and it bobbles along and crashes into the wall. Sometimes the guy in there pops out. It makes funny noises. But what did Chase like? The red tissue paper of course. He loved it! He shook the tissue paper around in both hands and smiled! He loved the box the toy came in too! I even set up the Tow Mater ride on toy Shelly and Jay got him. But, he wasn't quite sure how to sit on it. His balance is not quite right on it yet. So, what did he enjoy playing with the most? The box of course.
I actually went to school today to submit my purchase orders for curriculum materials. Mom and Gary took Chase for a swim at Waialae Beach Park. They met me at school, and we went home to play and eat lunch. In the late afternoon, Chase and I visited Auntie Miya and Taiga. They gave us another ride on car, but a Lightning McQueen one. Taiga sang "Happy Birthday" to Chase. Since Chase hasn't been coming to Miya's daily, it took him a little bit to warm up. But, then he started playing with all the familiar toys in the living room. Back home, Mom and Gary helped me clean out some golf stuff in the closet and take it upstairs.
We celebrated Chase's birthday at the Pyramids restaurant, where Chase fell in love with the belly dancer. We were so excited (and Gary was too) to see the belly dancer. We enjoyed our food (me even more so because I didn't have the stomach flu this time) and marveled over Gary's rice which came formed in the shape of a pyramid on his plate. We had fun showing Chase all the neat Egyptian decor around the restaurant and kept talking about all the pretty belly dancers on the menus. So, we were so disappointed when our server informed us that the belly dancer wouldn't be showing up this evening! What?! That's exactly why we came?! You're disappointing a little boy on his birthday (and a big boy Gary too!).
Shucks. We had to go back home with our cake and ice cream. Too bad Chase fell asleep in the car and was put to bed before he could even have a look at his birthday cake. No ice cream from Nana tonight. And, he didn't even get to open anymore gifts. He was out. The rest of us had birthday cake in his honor, and we sat around for the next hour and a half opening every envelope and present (all which had been sitting on our coffee table the past week since we had the party last weekend). It was fun, yet exhausting. We were tired by the time everyone left!
Now, Chase has money to start his college fund. And about 20 pairs of new pants and shorts, some swim clothes, and toys. Some of my favorite gifts: Gary's homemade Willy the Whale wooden toy, the other store bought wooden toys (like my mom said, we should throw away all the plastic "Made in China" toys), the Japanese kimono outfit from Chris' teacher friend in Okinawa, and of course, my mom's gift of personalized storybooks (with his family and friends' names in the text!).
It was a nice birthday (not that Chase knew any different). And, now the toddlerhood (and my summer - or what's left of it) begins......
Here are photos from Chase's 1st Birthday lu'au, which was celebrated a week earlier at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Turning One

Thursday, 26 June 2008
It's hard to believe that a year ago tonight, I was lying in the living room at Auntie Stevie/Uncle Gary's house, and then in the middle of the night (around 1 am), I had the urge to go to the bathroom. Soon, my water broke, though I wasn't convinced that's what it was at first. Then around 2:30 am, Chris was rushing to me to the emergency room. And then the grilled cheese sandwich nurse (refer to the story in the post a year ago) told me I wasn't leaving the hospital without a baby. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart, and I was put into a birthing suite by 3 pm. By 7 am, though I almost gave into the pain at 6 am, I had held out without any epidural, and was 10 cm dilated. The doctor came in at 7:20 am. I started pushing. And, at 7:52 am, a 4 lb. 10 oz baby boy was put on my stomach. Such a surreal feeling.
We've survived a year, and what a year it has been.
This morning, we played with Jake and Jas before they left for Seattle. It was so awesome for Chase to meet his only cousins. This afternoon, my mom and Gary and I took Chase to the beach at Ala Moana (after they watched him during the morning so I could get stuff done in my classroom). He absolutely loved playing in the water, walking all over the place, while in his floatie device in the ocean. He didn't even care where I was. He would just go, go, go. It was really cute. He dunked his face in the water a couple of times. He laughed and smiled and enjoyed watching all the kids and birds around him. He really is at a fun age.
During our hour and a half wait at Side Street Inn tonight (which was unsuccessful, as we ended up at Zippy's in the end), Chase enjoyed shaking his head no, playing peek-a-boo, and blinking (though he's been trying to wink) his eyes. So cute.
At Zippy's, he was loud and hyper and had a voracious appetite, wanting to eat bread and water and whatever we had....way past his bedtime.
And, now, toddlerhood begins.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fun At The Beach With Cousin Jake
Here are some pictures of Chase having fun with his cousins Jake (almost 3) and Jaslynn (6 months), who made a special trip to Hawai'i from Seattle to meet their cousin Chase for the first time, and to help celebrate Chase's 1st birthday.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
After I went to school for a little bit, I picked up my cousin Steph and her son Jake and we took the boys to Ala Moana Beach Park/Magic Island. Jake splashed and spun Chase around in his floatie (which he didn't like too much). But, after awhile, Chase had fun playing in the ocean with his cousin Jake. They both crashed out in the car afterwards. I got sunburned on my back. Of course Chase woke up when we got home and played actively all afternoon.
Chase got a spurt of energy in the late evening too when he played with his cousin all over Uncle Jay and Auntie Shelly's floor. That kid gets so overstimulated. He was up way too late - 9 pm.
Dinner at Jay & Shelly's
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Dinner at Jay and Shelly's tonight. All the Mau's from our three households (our Mau compound) got to see their new house. We had a huge spread of food, and although Chase was tired around his normal bedtime, he got a spurt of energy and was crawling around their floor like crazy. He got all hyper and ended up mopping up the floor with his crawling.
It was nice to get the family all together.
Dinner at Jay and Shelly's tonight. All the Mau's from our three households (our Mau compound) got to see their new house. We had a huge spread of food, and although Chase was tired around his normal bedtime, he got a spurt of energy and was crawling around their floor like crazy. He got all hyper and ended up mopping up the floor with his crawling.
It was nice to get the family all together.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Cruising the Mall with the Gals
Monday, 23 June 2008
Chase has been waking up bright and early (and getting all our guests up as well too - my mom and her fiance Gary). He's everyone's alarm clock.
This morning, mom and Gary came with us to return stuff and drop some stuff off at school. Then, we went to Nordstrom's Cafe for lunch. Auntie Stevi met us there. Steph and cousins Jake and Jaslynn met us there after we got gelato. We went shopping at Nordstrom sale racks (which I normally wouldn't do except that cousin Steph gets her 33% off discount for working at Nordstrom's, so there). Poor Gary had to hang out with all the gals and kids, pushing around a stroller, while we all window shopped. Mom bought Chase a hat from Janie and Jack. Jake was really good, playing footsie with Chase in the stroller. I think he's been groomed for shopping.
After we got home (after a stop at Waiola Shave Ice) we filled up the 8 foot pool so Jake and Chase could splash around. Chase was a little hesitant with all of Jake's splashing. Chase stood for about 3 minutes (the longest I've ever seen him stand). I think the water was too cold so he didn't know quite what to do at first. Once he got used it, the boys played with their fishing poles and toys. All the Mau's hung out on the driveway and watched cute little smiley Jas. It was a fun afternoon.
Chase has been waking up bright and early (and getting all our guests up as well too - my mom and her fiance Gary). He's everyone's alarm clock.
This morning, mom and Gary came with us to return stuff and drop some stuff off at school. Then, we went to Nordstrom's Cafe for lunch. Auntie Stevi met us there. Steph and cousins Jake and Jaslynn met us there after we got gelato. We went shopping at Nordstrom sale racks (which I normally wouldn't do except that cousin Steph gets her 33% off discount for working at Nordstrom's, so there). Poor Gary had to hang out with all the gals and kids, pushing around a stroller, while we all window shopped. Mom bought Chase a hat from Janie and Jack. Jake was really good, playing footsie with Chase in the stroller. I think he's been groomed for shopping.
After we got home (after a stop at Waiola Shave Ice) we filled up the 8 foot pool so Jake and Chase could splash around. Chase was a little hesitant with all of Jake's splashing. Chase stood for about 3 minutes (the longest I've ever seen him stand). I think the water was too cold so he didn't know quite what to do at first. Once he got used it, the boys played with their fishing poles and toys. All the Mau's hung out on the driveway and watched cute little smiley Jas. It was a fun afternoon.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Little Yoga, A Little Shopping, A Little Jazz, And A Little Sleeping
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Chase, mom, and Gary dropped me off at yoga (since Chase was up at the crack of dawn again, at 5:30 am). I survived 7 am yoga (after having not been in a couple of weeks). Mom and Gary had coffee and took Chase for walk to watch a neighborhood pick up basketball game and drove around before they picked me up from class.
We all went to go drop off the styrofoam containers to the caterers, then Mom and Gary went to exchange their rental car. Chris and I went to the Waikele shopping outlets (since we were halfway there already). I bought a blouse and three shirts for Chase. Had lunch at Zippy's before heading back into town.
We decided to join Mom and Gary and Uncle Frank and listen to some afternoon jazz at Ward Rafter's. I had always heard about it, but had never been myself. It was really neat. This couple opens their home up to the public (basically through word of mouth) each Sunday at 3 pm and showcases different local bands and singers. People bring their own food and beverages (everyone walked in with coolers) and they take donations. It's like an attic turned jazz lounge, with Diamond Head just a hop, skip, and jump away. Chase enjoyed people watching and staring at the guy playing the saxophone. He was fine for about 40 minutes, until the drummer started playing a solo set, and it got too loud. That's when Chase started whimpering and crying. I had forgotten my nursing cloth, so didn't whip it out to nurse him. Though the lady of the house told me I could go downstairs to one of their rooms, we were all tired, so we just decided to leave. By the time we got down the flight of stairs to their driveway, Chase was screaming. I nursed him in the car before we headed home and he fell asleep.
In fact, all three of us slept for a good hour or two. I think we're all still exhausted from yesterday. It's been a busy weekend.
This evening, I cleaned out the fridge and cooked up the raw fish and crab, gave more dessert leftovers away, and arranged to get together with cousin Steph (and Jake and Jas - even though they're just upstairs, we really haven't seen them yet!) and Miya and Taiga this week. We arranged to have a family dinner at Jay and Shelly's this week as well because everyone wants to see their new house. Miya said everyone had a fantastic time at the party. Nicholas enjoyed being an assistant in the magic show and all the boys sang "Happy Birthday" real loud. A good time was had by all. Awesome.
So, it was a success. This past year, I planned a wedding, a funeral, gave birth, and planned a first birthday lu'au. I think I'm done for big events for awhile. That's for sure.
Chase, mom, and Gary dropped me off at yoga (since Chase was up at the crack of dawn again, at 5:30 am). I survived 7 am yoga (after having not been in a couple of weeks). Mom and Gary had coffee and took Chase for walk to watch a neighborhood pick up basketball game and drove around before they picked me up from class.
We all went to go drop off the styrofoam containers to the caterers, then Mom and Gary went to exchange their rental car. Chris and I went to the Waikele shopping outlets (since we were halfway there already). I bought a blouse and three shirts for Chase. Had lunch at Zippy's before heading back into town.
We decided to join Mom and Gary and Uncle Frank and listen to some afternoon jazz at Ward Rafter's. I had always heard about it, but had never been myself. It was really neat. This couple opens their home up to the public (basically through word of mouth) each Sunday at 3 pm and showcases different local bands and singers. People bring their own food and beverages (everyone walked in with coolers) and they take donations. It's like an attic turned jazz lounge, with Diamond Head just a hop, skip, and jump away. Chase enjoyed people watching and staring at the guy playing the saxophone. He was fine for about 40 minutes, until the drummer started playing a solo set, and it got too loud. That's when Chase started whimpering and crying. I had forgotten my nursing cloth, so didn't whip it out to nurse him. Though the lady of the house told me I could go downstairs to one of their rooms, we were all tired, so we just decided to leave. By the time we got down the flight of stairs to their driveway, Chase was screaming. I nursed him in the car before we headed home and he fell asleep.
In fact, all three of us slept for a good hour or two. I think we're all still exhausted from yesterday. It's been a busy weekend.
This evening, I cleaned out the fridge and cooked up the raw fish and crab, gave more dessert leftovers away, and arranged to get together with cousin Steph (and Jake and Jas - even though they're just upstairs, we really haven't seen them yet!) and Miya and Taiga this week. We arranged to have a family dinner at Jay and Shelly's this week as well because everyone wants to see their new house. Miya said everyone had a fantastic time at the party. Nicholas enjoyed being an assistant in the magic show and all the boys sang "Happy Birthday" real loud. A good time was had by all. Awesome.
So, it was a success. This past year, I planned a wedding, a funeral, gave birth, and planned a first birthday lu'au. I think I'm done for big events for awhile. That's for sure.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Chase's 1st Birthday Lu'au
Saturday, 21 June 2008
It's the big party day! We all left at 7:45 am. Auntie Stevi, Uncle Gary, cousins Geoff and Lauren, my mom and Gary, Chris, and I. The Halsalls came and picked up Chase and would bring him later. We put together all the tables and chairs, tablecloths, favors, and centerpieces, signs and banners, games in the other room. Sent Uncle Gary to get the cakes and ice at Costco. Jay and Shelly brought the chafing dishes and coolers. The band came and set up their music equipment at 8:30 am. I oriented Kai and Jason on the group photos and the computer. Guests started to arrive at 10 am.
We fit all 150 people in the Atherton Halau. I hardly talked to anyone. The only time I sat down was when I was nursing Chase (and I got to eat a little too). In fact, I even walked around nursing him and stood up nursing him, as I tried to locate Chris all day, turn my video camera on for certain events, and say hi to people. It was nice to see my dad's cousins there and my stepsisters Lindsey and Whitney. It was also awesome that my cousin Stephanie and Auntie Jane could bring Jake and Jaslynn from Seattle to make the party. I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to keep things moving and making sure everything was flowing, people were lining up to eat, people were taking group pictures, and kids were playing games or doing arts and crafts. I kept talking to the facility host to make sure we had a mic and had to pay for museum tickets for our guests. When I wasn't nursing Chase, someone else was holding him. I didn't know where he was half the time. It's a good thing I knew everyone in the room.
The Hawaiian food was ono (delicious). My brother was awesome and kept the food going, replacing chafing dishes with fresh food and making sure everything was filled up. I don't think he and Shelly ate until everyone got their plates. That was awesome of him to pick up that responsibility. He did such a good job that one guest even asked him if he was the caterer and if she could have his card.
I had way too much stuff planned. We had no time for the fishing game and arts and crafts on the other side. The magic show was awesome, very entertaining for adults and kids. I was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice addition to the party. For an introverted computer tech teacher, he had a funny sense of humor and was wildly entertaining for all. And everyone enjoyed getting fun balloons made after. Though that was all a blur to me. I wish I had gotten a balloon made for Chase! I think I got some of the magic show and some of my auntie and cousin dancing hula on video though.
My feet were extremely sore from being in heels all day long. Everyone helped clean up afterwards. I was nervous that we wouldn't make our 2 pm clean up time as people were still hanging out and enjoying themselves at 1:30 pm (and our party was supposed to end at 1 pm). But, we did it. The day went by so fast.
Of course I kept thinking of stuff I should have done after the fact. Like, I should have had all the children come and help Chase blow out the candles (though a couple of them did). I should have had Uncle Dave take group pictures of the kids. I should have had him take group pictures of the family. And the Mau Family relatives whom I hardly see but once a year. Oh well. I was running around and didn't have time to coordinate all of that. It was nice to see coworkers, friends, and family all together. I hope they all got to see Chase! I didn't even give Chase any birthday cake! He didn't need the sugar anyway. But, thanks to his morning nap, he WAS wide awake for his whole birthday party (though he probably didn't even realize this was all for him!).
I had hundreds of soap favors left (I told my mom she can take a whole suitcase worth of soap favors back to California for the relatives!), a few sand pail centerpieces with goodies left, and tons of food. People took home food, but we still had tons ourselves. I divvyed it all up between our three Mau households when we got home. We had kalua pig, lomi salmon, Hanalei poi, sweet potato, squid luau, pipikaula, tako poke, ahi poke, raw crab, and sweet potato haupia pie....all leftover! I'm sure after this weekend, I'll be sick of eating Hawaiian food, so I'll have to freeze what I can.
Surprisingly, Chris and I still had energy to walk through the whale exhibit at the museum with my mom and Gary. We unloaded all of his gifts and put away most of the things when we got home. Chase played at the Halsalls all afternoon until we picked him up. He had a hard time winding down and going to sleep. He has so many gifts on our coffee table in the living room. He only sees his toys though. Little does he know that these are all for him. We're not planning on opening them until his real birthday next weekend though. We'll see if he lets us wait that long.
It was a successful, yet exhausting day. It was definitely a much bigger production than our own wedding! Mostly because we did everything ourselves. We had a lot of help (thanks to my wonderful family!), and I think everyone had fun. We didn't even use the two pinatas or hats for the kids. We have a bunch of stuff to return at Costco....sternos, Finding Nemo plates, food snacks, etc. All excess stuff we bought (especially as it got closer to the party and I wanted to make sure we didn't forget anything) and didn't use. Chris said we'll save the party goodies and paper goods and utensils for Chase's 2nd birthday, and this time he'll do the planning. Well, that's easy...everything's already done! (but something tells me we won't be doing quite such a big event the next birthday.)
And, no, I don't have any pictures yet....Surprise, surprise, I actually didn't take any! But, my dad's friend Dave was running around taking pictures (and I'm sure other family and friends took some), so hopefully I'll have some to post soon!
It's the big party day! We all left at 7:45 am. Auntie Stevi, Uncle Gary, cousins Geoff and Lauren, my mom and Gary, Chris, and I. The Halsalls came and picked up Chase and would bring him later. We put together all the tables and chairs, tablecloths, favors, and centerpieces, signs and banners, games in the other room. Sent Uncle Gary to get the cakes and ice at Costco. Jay and Shelly brought the chafing dishes and coolers. The band came and set up their music equipment at 8:30 am. I oriented Kai and Jason on the group photos and the computer. Guests started to arrive at 10 am.
We fit all 150 people in the Atherton Halau. I hardly talked to anyone. The only time I sat down was when I was nursing Chase (and I got to eat a little too). In fact, I even walked around nursing him and stood up nursing him, as I tried to locate Chris all day, turn my video camera on for certain events, and say hi to people. It was nice to see my dad's cousins there and my stepsisters Lindsey and Whitney. It was also awesome that my cousin Stephanie and Auntie Jane could bring Jake and Jaslynn from Seattle to make the party. I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to keep things moving and making sure everything was flowing, people were lining up to eat, people were taking group pictures, and kids were playing games or doing arts and crafts. I kept talking to the facility host to make sure we had a mic and had to pay for museum tickets for our guests. When I wasn't nursing Chase, someone else was holding him. I didn't know where he was half the time. It's a good thing I knew everyone in the room.
The Hawaiian food was ono (delicious). My brother was awesome and kept the food going, replacing chafing dishes with fresh food and making sure everything was filled up. I don't think he and Shelly ate until everyone got their plates. That was awesome of him to pick up that responsibility. He did such a good job that one guest even asked him if he was the caterer and if she could have his card.
I had way too much stuff planned. We had no time for the fishing game and arts and crafts on the other side. The magic show was awesome, very entertaining for adults and kids. I was pleasantly surprised. It was a nice addition to the party. For an introverted computer tech teacher, he had a funny sense of humor and was wildly entertaining for all. And everyone enjoyed getting fun balloons made after. Though that was all a blur to me. I wish I had gotten a balloon made for Chase! I think I got some of the magic show and some of my auntie and cousin dancing hula on video though.
My feet were extremely sore from being in heels all day long. Everyone helped clean up afterwards. I was nervous that we wouldn't make our 2 pm clean up time as people were still hanging out and enjoying themselves at 1:30 pm (and our party was supposed to end at 1 pm). But, we did it. The day went by so fast.
Of course I kept thinking of stuff I should have done after the fact. Like, I should have had all the children come and help Chase blow out the candles (though a couple of them did). I should have had Uncle Dave take group pictures of the kids. I should have had him take group pictures of the family. And the Mau Family relatives whom I hardly see but once a year. Oh well. I was running around and didn't have time to coordinate all of that. It was nice to see coworkers, friends, and family all together. I hope they all got to see Chase! I didn't even give Chase any birthday cake! He didn't need the sugar anyway. But, thanks to his morning nap, he WAS wide awake for his whole birthday party (though he probably didn't even realize this was all for him!).
I had hundreds of soap favors left (I told my mom she can take a whole suitcase worth of soap favors back to California for the relatives!), a few sand pail centerpieces with goodies left, and tons of food. People took home food, but we still had tons ourselves. I divvyed it all up between our three Mau households when we got home. We had kalua pig, lomi salmon, Hanalei poi, sweet potato, squid luau, pipikaula, tako poke, ahi poke, raw crab, and sweet potato haupia pie....all leftover! I'm sure after this weekend, I'll be sick of eating Hawaiian food, so I'll have to freeze what I can.
Surprisingly, Chris and I still had energy to walk through the whale exhibit at the museum with my mom and Gary. We unloaded all of his gifts and put away most of the things when we got home. Chase played at the Halsalls all afternoon until we picked him up. He had a hard time winding down and going to sleep. He has so many gifts on our coffee table in the living room. He only sees his toys though. Little does he know that these are all for him. We're not planning on opening them until his real birthday next weekend though. We'll see if he lets us wait that long.
It was a successful, yet exhausting day. It was definitely a much bigger production than our own wedding! Mostly because we did everything ourselves. We had a lot of help (thanks to my wonderful family!), and I think everyone had fun. We didn't even use the two pinatas or hats for the kids. We have a bunch of stuff to return at Costco....sternos, Finding Nemo plates, food snacks, etc. All excess stuff we bought (especially as it got closer to the party and I wanted to make sure we didn't forget anything) and didn't use. Chris said we'll save the party goodies and paper goods and utensils for Chase's 2nd birthday, and this time he'll do the planning. Well, that's easy...everything's already done! (but something tells me we won't be doing quite such a big event the next birthday.)
And, no, I don't have any pictures yet....Surprise, surprise, I actually didn't take any! But, my dad's friend Dave was running around taking pictures (and I'm sure other family and friends took some), so hopefully I'll have some to post soon!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Last Day of Party Prep
Friday, 20 June 2008
Chris stayed home from work to help out with last minute things. He took Chase to his parents' house for a couple of hours. I had a phone interview with Hawai'i Technology Academy, a new charter school starting this year. A friend of mine teaches at the one in Washington state and just loves it. We'll see what happens. This one here in Hawai'i will be a blended model, a little bit of face-to-face instruction, and teaching/learning online.
We ran errands this afternoon. Chris worked on setting up the photoshop birthday photo on the computer. Mom and Gary arrived in the afternoon from Sacramento. Mom made us dinner and Uncle Frank came over to join us. I got a late pedicure (my last chance to get my nails done) at 6 pm. Worked on Chase's scrapbook while cousin Steph visited (after the kids were put to sleep).
It's going to be a long day tomorrow!!!!
Chris stayed home from work to help out with last minute things. He took Chase to his parents' house for a couple of hours. I had a phone interview with Hawai'i Technology Academy, a new charter school starting this year. A friend of mine teaches at the one in Washington state and just loves it. We'll see what happens. This one here in Hawai'i will be a blended model, a little bit of face-to-face instruction, and teaching/learning online.
We ran errands this afternoon. Chris worked on setting up the photoshop birthday photo on the computer. Mom and Gary arrived in the afternoon from Sacramento. Mom made us dinner and Uncle Frank came over to join us. I got a late pedicure (my last chance to get my nails done) at 6 pm. Worked on Chase's scrapbook while cousin Steph visited (after the kids were put to sleep).
It's going to be a long day tomorrow!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Organizing Toys and Bubbles in the Bath
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Happy Birthday, Mom! Wished mom a happy birthday and heard the update on Popo. My grandma is having ups and downs of recuperating from her knee replacement surgery last month. But, she is doing better, after acute renal failure and a minor stroke since then. The trip is still on for my mom and Gary to come to Hawai'i. So, that's good. You know Popo is good when she still has her sense of humor to recall a vivid dream of being stranded on an island after a plane crash. When the nurse asked her is she knew where she was, she said, "Yes, I'm in a hospital....But before this, I was stranded on an island." She's doing good.
Chase is getting more interesting with his actions. He's a very intense child, who studies everything and is very observant. These days, he's into taking his toys and transferring them from one container to another, or putting them into cups or kleenex boxes. He also tries to fit one toy into another toy to see if it goes together. He's very persistent and methodical about it too. It's quite cute.
Went to school today and my part-time teacher Christina helped me organize books. The computer teacher showed me how to use the printer and laptop for the party this weekend. I learned how to edit and superimpose images on photoshop. Then he loaded my car up with all the supplies and equipment.
Chase played hard all afternoon and had no nap. His sleep schedule has been thrown off since I've been on vacation. He'll play so hard in the afternoon that he goes to bed at 7 pm (about half an hour earlier than usual). Then he'll get up more often and wake up at 5:30 am instead of his usual 6 am. 6 am I can handle, but 5:30 am...that's a bit early.
Tonight in the bath, Chase discovered that he can blow bubbles in the bath water. he would lean his head over, blow bubbles, and laugh. He repeated this several times until the final time when his face when further down in the water and he immediately stood up and held me, all startled because his whole face had gone under water. He was like, "Ma ma ma ma", blinking wildly and trying to catch his breath. He was fine. Just a bit startled. And then blowing bubbles wasn't so fun anymore.
Happy Birthday, Mom! Wished mom a happy birthday and heard the update on Popo. My grandma is having ups and downs of recuperating from her knee replacement surgery last month. But, she is doing better, after acute renal failure and a minor stroke since then. The trip is still on for my mom and Gary to come to Hawai'i. So, that's good. You know Popo is good when she still has her sense of humor to recall a vivid dream of being stranded on an island after a plane crash. When the nurse asked her is she knew where she was, she said, "Yes, I'm in a hospital....But before this, I was stranded on an island." She's doing good.
Chase is getting more interesting with his actions. He's a very intense child, who studies everything and is very observant. These days, he's into taking his toys and transferring them from one container to another, or putting them into cups or kleenex boxes. He also tries to fit one toy into another toy to see if it goes together. He's very persistent and methodical about it too. It's quite cute.
Went to school today and my part-time teacher Christina helped me organize books. The computer teacher showed me how to use the printer and laptop for the party this weekend. I learned how to edit and superimpose images on photoshop. Then he loaded my car up with all the supplies and equipment.
Chase played hard all afternoon and had no nap. His sleep schedule has been thrown off since I've been on vacation. He'll play so hard in the afternoon that he goes to bed at 7 pm (about half an hour earlier than usual). Then he'll get up more often and wake up at 5:30 am instead of his usual 6 am. 6 am I can handle, but 5:30 am...that's a bit early.
Tonight in the bath, Chase discovered that he can blow bubbles in the bath water. he would lean his head over, blow bubbles, and laugh. He repeated this several times until the final time when his face when further down in the water and he immediately stood up and held me, all startled because his whole face had gone under water. He was like, "Ma ma ma ma", blinking wildly and trying to catch his breath. He was fine. Just a bit startled. And then blowing bubbles wasn't so fun anymore.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
An Active Hairstyle With An Active Baby
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Yesterday, I took a break from cleaning my classroom and packing books and party stuff. I had a day of beauty, which included some waxing and a much needed haircut, with a new style and highlights. I like my new bob (like Katie Holmes with no bangs - as I was too afraid to commit to them), but now I need to get a hairdryer and learn how to style it correctly.
Since I took a break yesterday, I had to get back to it today and work on finishing my soap favors. I used up all my glycerin, all 20 pounds of it. So I probably have over 250 bars of soap. Wow! That was a lot of work! Easy, but time consuming.
Chase spent all day at the Halsalls again. They have been real helpful taking care of him so I can get all of my work done. He got all beat up today. By the time I picked him up, he had a bruise on his face from banging his left cheek on a rock outside and he had a bunch of slivers in his leg and foot from crawling on the lanai. Plus he had no afternoon nap, so he was exhausted by the time 7 pm rolled around, and he was out.
Such a boy I tell you. If he keeps it up, I'm going to have to find an easier hairstyle for myself because I don't have time to chase Chase around AND blowdry and style my hair!
Yesterday, I took a break from cleaning my classroom and packing books and party stuff. I had a day of beauty, which included some waxing and a much needed haircut, with a new style and highlights. I like my new bob (like Katie Holmes with no bangs - as I was too afraid to commit to them), but now I need to get a hairdryer and learn how to style it correctly.
Since I took a break yesterday, I had to get back to it today and work on finishing my soap favors. I used up all my glycerin, all 20 pounds of it. So I probably have over 250 bars of soap. Wow! That was a lot of work! Easy, but time consuming.
Chase spent all day at the Halsalls again. They have been real helpful taking care of him so I can get all of my work done. He got all beat up today. By the time I picked him up, he had a bruise on his face from banging his left cheek on a rock outside and he had a bunch of slivers in his leg and foot from crawling on the lanai. Plus he had no afternoon nap, so he was exhausted by the time 7 pm rolled around, and he was out.
Such a boy I tell you. If he keeps it up, I'm going to have to find an easier hairstyle for myself because I don't have time to chase Chase around AND blowdry and style my hair!
Monday, June 16, 2008
No Fungus Among Us
Monday, 16 June 2008
Took Chase to see Dr. Matthews today to look at his rash he's had on his butt for a week now. Dr. Matthews is actually Miya's pediatrician, who is subbing for ours while he is on vacation. So, it was interesting to meet a new doctor. Turns out it's just diaper rash (though it's not your typical rash - and our real pediatrician actually had a different assessment via email response), but we've been using the anti-fungal cream on him that was prescribed by the doctor and the rash seems to be getting better so that's good. Dr. Matthews was really good with Chase and made him laugh. He said we're lucky to have such a healthy and happy baby (after being premature).
I spent the afternoon at school packing books and books and more books. When I picked up Chase at the Halsalls, I gave my father-in-law the photo book I made for him for Father's Day. My in-laws really liked the book. I tried to arrange most of the pictures of him with Chase over the past year. I did the same for Chris, and gave him his book tonight when he came home from his two jobs. I think he really liked his book too.
Soon, I'll be all done with my scrapbooking.
Took Chase to see Dr. Matthews today to look at his rash he's had on his butt for a week now. Dr. Matthews is actually Miya's pediatrician, who is subbing for ours while he is on vacation. So, it was interesting to meet a new doctor. Turns out it's just diaper rash (though it's not your typical rash - and our real pediatrician actually had a different assessment via email response), but we've been using the anti-fungal cream on him that was prescribed by the doctor and the rash seems to be getting better so that's good. Dr. Matthews was really good with Chase and made him laugh. He said we're lucky to have such a healthy and happy baby (after being premature).
I spent the afternoon at school packing books and books and more books. When I picked up Chase at the Halsalls, I gave my father-in-law the photo book I made for him for Father's Day. My in-laws really liked the book. I tried to arrange most of the pictures of him with Chase over the past year. I did the same for Chris, and gave him his book tonight when he came home from his two jobs. I think he really liked his book too.
Soon, I'll be all done with my scrapbooking.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Sunday, 15 June 2008
It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since Dad has passed and now we have gone two Father's Days without him. Chase was up at the crack of dawn. We wished my Dad a Happy Father's Day and watched the birds outside while Daddy slept. Today, we had brunch at Michel's on the water near Diamond Head beach, so we celebrated the new father (Chris) and my father-in-law, Ron. I enjoyed my corned beef sweet potato hash and took bites of Chris' coconut haupia sweet bread french toast. Chase enjoyed eating warm croissants, cheerios, and yogurt (though a good majority of croissants ended up on the floor).
After brunch, we ran errands, and I bought a couple of scrapbooks to put together for Chase. Of course I'm trying to do all these things THE WEEK of his party (the perfectionist in me). Chris spent the afternoon cleaning both bathrooms and putting together a bench with shoe storage for our entryway. I worked on party stuff and scrapbooking while Chase played on the floor at Aunti Stevi and Uncle Gary's. I'm sure they'll be glad when their living room is finally clear of all my party stuff next week.
The highlight of the day was watching Chase's new trick. It's such a fun age now. He's always doing new things. It's as if something has finally clicked, and now he's just doing all these things. He's no longer a baby anymore. He's ready to enter toddlerhood. So, for about a month, he's been shaking his head, but I always thought it was an involuntary twitch. Early on, Chris told me to stop feeding him the bananas because he thought it was making Chase twitch. Now, I see that he has just been mimicking me because for the past two days, when I tell him "No" and shake my head, he responds soon after by shaking his head..."No, no, no". So, I started laughing today because I finally realized that he's copying me. Apparently, I've been modeling the movements all along. I asked Chris, "Do I really say "No" to Chase that much?" He replied, "Yeah, you do say 'No' a lot." Hee, hee...So, I was showing Auntie Stevi, Chris, and the Halsalls Chase's "new trick" all day long....The only thing is that it may be cute now, but by late afternoon, as he was smiling and shaking his head "No, no, no", AND as he was eating dinner and shaking his head "No, no, no", I began to think...Uh oh. I might be encouraging a bad habit. I have a stubborn, impatient son who likes to shake his head "no". Yeah, that might not be so good at the age of one.
So, by evening, both Chris and I were encouraging Chase by nodding our heads and saying "Yes, yes, yes!"
Of course, Chase just shook his head "no" and thought we were just plain silly. (Yes, I hope to get this on video soon to share with all of you!)
It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since Dad has passed and now we have gone two Father's Days without him. Chase was up at the crack of dawn. We wished my Dad a Happy Father's Day and watched the birds outside while Daddy slept. Today, we had brunch at Michel's on the water near Diamond Head beach, so we celebrated the new father (Chris) and my father-in-law, Ron. I enjoyed my corned beef sweet potato hash and took bites of Chris' coconut haupia sweet bread french toast. Chase enjoyed eating warm croissants, cheerios, and yogurt (though a good majority of croissants ended up on the floor).
After brunch, we ran errands, and I bought a couple of scrapbooks to put together for Chase. Of course I'm trying to do all these things THE WEEK of his party (the perfectionist in me). Chris spent the afternoon cleaning both bathrooms and putting together a bench with shoe storage for our entryway. I worked on party stuff and scrapbooking while Chase played on the floor at Aunti Stevi and Uncle Gary's. I'm sure they'll be glad when their living room is finally clear of all my party stuff next week.
The highlight of the day was watching Chase's new trick. It's such a fun age now. He's always doing new things. It's as if something has finally clicked, and now he's just doing all these things. He's no longer a baby anymore. He's ready to enter toddlerhood. So, for about a month, he's been shaking his head, but I always thought it was an involuntary twitch. Early on, Chris told me to stop feeding him the bananas because he thought it was making Chase twitch. Now, I see that he has just been mimicking me because for the past two days, when I tell him "No" and shake my head, he responds soon after by shaking his head..."No, no, no". So, I started laughing today because I finally realized that he's copying me. Apparently, I've been modeling the movements all along. I asked Chris, "Do I really say "No" to Chase that much?" He replied, "Yeah, you do say 'No' a lot." Hee, hee...So, I was showing Auntie Stevi, Chris, and the Halsalls Chase's "new trick" all day long....The only thing is that it may be cute now, but by late afternoon, as he was smiling and shaking his head "No, no, no", AND as he was eating dinner and shaking his head "No, no, no", I began to think...Uh oh. I might be encouraging a bad habit. I have a stubborn, impatient son who likes to shake his head "no". Yeah, that might not be so good at the age of one.
So, by evening, both Chris and I were encouraging Chase by nodding our heads and saying "Yes, yes, yes!"
Of course, Chase just shook his head "no" and thought we were just plain silly. (Yes, I hope to get this on video soon to share with all of you!)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Productive Day
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Today was a busy day as Chris did loads of laundry and took care of Chase while I slept in until about 10:30 am (haven't done that in years!). We ran a bunch of errands, ordering dessert at various places for Chase's party, returning party things I didn't need (over $100 worth!) at Pricebuster's, and eating Hawaiian food for lunch. We bought some cute Nemo plates and things and during our stop at Kinko's, I managed to find a dress at the Siam Imports store next door (There goes my whole notion that I would never buy a product from Thailand at the quadrupled inflated price!). We got a shoe rack bench from City Mill. Hopefully, this will prevent Chase from playing with and eating our shoes. Probably not. But, at least it will make our entry way look a bit neater. We stopped at Manuheali'i to look at Hawaiian wear, but I could not convince Chris to find a matching family outfit for Chase's lu'au. While driving, I made phone calls to friends who are finding chafing dishes and cooler jugs and stuff we can borrow for the party. By the time we got home, it was nearly 5 pm. I made one batch of soap while Chase happily played with all the lids and scraps of paper on the floor. He quickly went asleep at 7:15 pm. Such an exhausting day.
Today was a busy day as Chris did loads of laundry and took care of Chase while I slept in until about 10:30 am (haven't done that in years!). We ran a bunch of errands, ordering dessert at various places for Chase's party, returning party things I didn't need (over $100 worth!) at Pricebuster's, and eating Hawaiian food for lunch. We bought some cute Nemo plates and things and during our stop at Kinko's, I managed to find a dress at the Siam Imports store next door (There goes my whole notion that I would never buy a product from Thailand at the quadrupled inflated price!). We got a shoe rack bench from City Mill. Hopefully, this will prevent Chase from playing with and eating our shoes. Probably not. But, at least it will make our entry way look a bit neater. We stopped at Manuheali'i to look at Hawaiian wear, but I could not convince Chris to find a matching family outfit for Chase's lu'au. While driving, I made phone calls to friends who are finding chafing dishes and cooler jugs and stuff we can borrow for the party. By the time we got home, it was nearly 5 pm. I made one batch of soap while Chase happily played with all the lids and scraps of paper on the floor. He quickly went asleep at 7:15 pm. Such an exhausting day.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Gal Time
Friday, 13 June 2008
Chase and I both slept in until 7:15 a.m., so I dropped him off a little bit later at the Halsalls. I went to Auntie Stevi's and worked on making soap favors and labels for a little bit. Went out to lunch with Melissa, Kai, and Sonyei, Hawai'i gal pals from UW, at Nordstrom Cafe.
Tonight, I called the troops in (aka my brother Jay and Shelly) to help with party stuff. They came over and worked on making a banner (Thanks Shelly for your awesome letter cutting!) and stuffing baby food jars with gummy bears. We fed them Sam's Club pizza (Yeah, thanks Jay for eating it all!). I kept running up and down between Auntie Stevi's house and my house, making salads and tending to Chase, putting him to bed. Tried to show them Chase's "new trick" of winking (well he just blinks both eyes) when you wink at him. He's cute trying to emulate a wink. Chase had a bit of the "stranger danger" whine and cry out for Mama, when Shelly and Jay first got here. He just doesn't see them enough so he doesn't know them as well, but he warmed up to them after awhile. Jay took some of Dad's ashes (in one of our Ziploc food containers from the cupboard - Dad would appreciate to ride in such style) to drive around with him this weekend and spread around on Father's Day.
My friend Linh called and needed some time with her girls, having come to grips with a failing relationship. So, like true Sex and The City fashion, I left at 10 pm (after nursing Chase hoping it would buy me some time) to meet her and her friends at the Ward theaters. We watched "Sex and the City". I loved it again! We went to Zippy's afterwards to talk and listen and give advice. I didn't even get home until 3 am! Oh my! Chris told me that Chase was screaming at midnight, but eventually, after walking him up and down the stairs, he went back to sleep.
Definitely sleeping in.
Chase and I both slept in until 7:15 a.m., so I dropped him off a little bit later at the Halsalls. I went to Auntie Stevi's and worked on making soap favors and labels for a little bit. Went out to lunch with Melissa, Kai, and Sonyei, Hawai'i gal pals from UW, at Nordstrom Cafe.
Tonight, I called the troops in (aka my brother Jay and Shelly) to help with party stuff. They came over and worked on making a banner (Thanks Shelly for your awesome letter cutting!) and stuffing baby food jars with gummy bears. We fed them Sam's Club pizza (Yeah, thanks Jay for eating it all!). I kept running up and down between Auntie Stevi's house and my house, making salads and tending to Chase, putting him to bed. Tried to show them Chase's "new trick" of winking (well he just blinks both eyes) when you wink at him. He's cute trying to emulate a wink. Chase had a bit of the "stranger danger" whine and cry out for Mama, when Shelly and Jay first got here. He just doesn't see them enough so he doesn't know them as well, but he warmed up to them after awhile. Jay took some of Dad's ashes (in one of our Ziploc food containers from the cupboard - Dad would appreciate to ride in such style) to drive around with him this weekend and spread around on Father's Day.
My friend Linh called and needed some time with her girls, having come to grips with a failing relationship. So, like true Sex and The City fashion, I left at 10 pm (after nursing Chase hoping it would buy me some time) to meet her and her friends at the Ward theaters. We watched "Sex and the City". I loved it again! We went to Zippy's afterwards to talk and listen and give advice. I didn't even get home until 3 am! Oh my! Chris told me that Chase was screaming at midnight, but eventually, after walking him up and down the stairs, he went back to sleep.
Definitely sleeping in.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Packing and Party Prepping
Thursday, 12 June 2008
This week has been spent dropping Chase off at the Halsalls (or at Miya's) in the morning as usual. Then, I go to school and work in my classroom for a couple of hours, purging stuff, organizing, and preparing to pack stuff up. It's a daunting task. I hate moving. I'm only moving a building and a few rooms away, and I did this last summer as well. But, the program just has so many books and manipulatives, not to mention my own collection of books and curriculum I brought from Seattle. So, it's been like work as usual for me this week. There are a few teachers on campus as well, except for yesterday, when it was a state holiday (Kamehameha Day). Yesterday, the big news around town was the 80-something year old lady who got run over by a Coca-Cola delivery truck after it made its delivery to a the Kahala Chevron gas station. She died, in such a tragic way, and the truck actually had to run back over her to get her from being pinned. So terrible!
I've spent the afternoons running around looking for sand pails at different stores and buying all kinds of things for Chase's party. I'm also making some Father's Day gifts, as well as using some materials at school for Chase's shindig. It's nice that Chase is getting used to playing by himself and is easily amused. He is standing for longer periods of time on his own (without holding onto furniture), and when he's not eating off my plate, he's amusing himself with toys and things. Today, as I worked on making soap and Auntie Stevi cut labels, Chase played with his toys (sprawled out all over their living room of course) for a few hours. There were moments when he wanted me to pick him up so he could see what we were doing on the table, but other than that, he was pretty self-sufficient.
Even though I'm not "working", I sure am busy...and tired because of it. Of course, I've been sleeping later than usual trying to get all of this stuff done. We've already confirmed the catering and confirmed the entertainment. And now I've got 40 pails in my car (because after I bought nearly 20 of them at $3 apiece, I found them $1 cheaper at Toys-R-Us). Crazy.
This week has been spent dropping Chase off at the Halsalls (or at Miya's) in the morning as usual. Then, I go to school and work in my classroom for a couple of hours, purging stuff, organizing, and preparing to pack stuff up. It's a daunting task. I hate moving. I'm only moving a building and a few rooms away, and I did this last summer as well. But, the program just has so many books and manipulatives, not to mention my own collection of books and curriculum I brought from Seattle. So, it's been like work as usual for me this week. There are a few teachers on campus as well, except for yesterday, when it was a state holiday (Kamehameha Day). Yesterday, the big news around town was the 80-something year old lady who got run over by a Coca-Cola delivery truck after it made its delivery to a the Kahala Chevron gas station. She died, in such a tragic way, and the truck actually had to run back over her to get her from being pinned. So terrible!
I've spent the afternoons running around looking for sand pails at different stores and buying all kinds of things for Chase's party. I'm also making some Father's Day gifts, as well as using some materials at school for Chase's shindig. It's nice that Chase is getting used to playing by himself and is easily amused. He is standing for longer periods of time on his own (without holding onto furniture), and when he's not eating off my plate, he's amusing himself with toys and things. Today, as I worked on making soap and Auntie Stevi cut labels, Chase played with his toys (sprawled out all over their living room of course) for a few hours. There were moments when he wanted me to pick him up so he could see what we were doing on the table, but other than that, he was pretty self-sufficient.
Even though I'm not "working", I sure am busy...and tired because of it. Of course, I've been sleeping later than usual trying to get all of this stuff done. We've already confirmed the catering and confirmed the entertainment. And now I've got 40 pails in my car (because after I bought nearly 20 of them at $3 apiece, I found them $1 cheaper at Toys-R-Us). Crazy.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Favors, Food, and Fun (Well for Chase Anyway)
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Today was a very productive Sunday. Went to 7 am yoga and had a great workout. Went shopping at Pricebuster's for birthday party favors and everything fish and pirate related. I know...kind of an odd combination, but I like the blues and the fish, and Chris likes the pirates, so there. Turns out we can get most stuff here without having to order online and risk it not getting here on time, plus having to pay lots for shipping to Hawai'i. Went to Costco to price other things out: a cake, paper goods, and drinks. Bought a few groceries as well as an A/C unit for Chase's room (preparing for that summer heat) and ate a late lunch of polish sausage and pizza. I left lots of the stuff at Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house, so that she and Lauren can help me assemble things without having to take it all the way down (80 more stairs) to my house. They helped me think of centerpieces and helped me put together my next party shopping list and to do list for the week.
Met the Halsall's for Sunday dinner at Big City Diner. We all ordered our usual hamburgers and fries and sides. Chase made a mess with his chicken and rice (most of it ended up being squished to the bottom of his foot), molding food sculptures on his high chair I think. Sarah, our friendly waitress, who wasn't even serving us tonight, treated us to a brownie sundae. Mmmmm! We shared our story of this week's dining issues: Disciplining Chase ("All Done!") when he starts throwing his food all over the kitchen during dinner. At least tonight he didn't take the poi out of his mouth and throw it on the ground! He can be a naughty boy!
Today was a very productive Sunday. Went to 7 am yoga and had a great workout. Went shopping at Pricebuster's for birthday party favors and everything fish and pirate related. I know...kind of an odd combination, but I like the blues and the fish, and Chris likes the pirates, so there. Turns out we can get most stuff here without having to order online and risk it not getting here on time, plus having to pay lots for shipping to Hawai'i. Went to Costco to price other things out: a cake, paper goods, and drinks. Bought a few groceries as well as an A/C unit for Chase's room (preparing for that summer heat) and ate a late lunch of polish sausage and pizza. I left lots of the stuff at Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house, so that she and Lauren can help me assemble things without having to take it all the way down (80 more stairs) to my house. They helped me think of centerpieces and helped me put together my next party shopping list and to do list for the week.
Met the Halsall's for Sunday dinner at Big City Diner. We all ordered our usual hamburgers and fries and sides. Chase made a mess with his chicken and rice (most of it ended up being squished to the bottom of his foot), molding food sculptures on his high chair I think. Sarah, our friendly waitress, who wasn't even serving us tonight, treated us to a brownie sundae. Mmmmm! We shared our story of this week's dining issues: Disciplining Chase ("All Done!") when he starts throwing his food all over the kitchen during dinner. At least tonight he didn't take the poi out of his mouth and throw it on the ground! He can be a naughty boy!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
New Yoga Studio
Saturday, 7 June 2008
This morning, I went to yoga at the new studio Alexis' family opened up on Nimitz. About 20 regulars that usually go to the one in Kaimuki went to this one to try it out. Though the heat was not working so well, the new studio is huge, with new lighting and carpet, lots of free parking, and huge bathrooms with lockers AND showers. No Bikram yoga studio I've ever practiced at has ever had showers! We laughed that since so many of us came to this one to work out, who was at the other studio? Waited in line to shower and then about 15 of us (most of whom have been practicing for over 5 years) went to get breakfast at a place called Nico's, on Pier 38. It was nice to relax and hang out and talk yoga and personal lives. We hardly ever "talk" to each other, except for the occasional small talk before and after class. Usually, we're all still trying to wake up and stretch before class starts, and at the end of class, I'm rushing home to nurse Chase. So, this morning was nice to just hang out and relax with my yoga friends.
Meanwhile, Chris took Chase to Farmers' Market and met his parents there. I met them at the house afterwards. I hung out while Chris fixed his Miata. I made a batch of soap favors. Chase had a busy afternoon feeding the birds, swimming in the pool, bonking his head on the sliding glass door, and he loved laying his head down on the sheepskin rug (with his butt in the air). Chris went bike riding with the guys in the afternoon. Chase and I visited Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house. Chase enjoyed hitting the big red exercise ball and playing with cousin Geoff's Blackberry, bouncing to the music. Cousin Lauren and Auntie Stevi helped me think of centerpiece and decoration ideas for Chase's party, while I made a "To Do" list of things I need to get.
Cooked dinner and had another messy feeding as Chase just wanted to throw his poi and chicken all over the place. I tried some baby food lasagna with him, but I think he preferred the real thing we had the other night. I don't think he liked the texture of this one, spitting out the balls of pasta. After a good scrubbin' in the bath (where he was standing on his own without holding onto any support), he was out like a light by 8 pm.
This morning, I went to yoga at the new studio Alexis' family opened up on Nimitz. About 20 regulars that usually go to the one in Kaimuki went to this one to try it out. Though the heat was not working so well, the new studio is huge, with new lighting and carpet, lots of free parking, and huge bathrooms with lockers AND showers. No Bikram yoga studio I've ever practiced at has ever had showers! We laughed that since so many of us came to this one to work out, who was at the other studio? Waited in line to shower and then about 15 of us (most of whom have been practicing for over 5 years) went to get breakfast at a place called Nico's, on Pier 38. It was nice to relax and hang out and talk yoga and personal lives. We hardly ever "talk" to each other, except for the occasional small talk before and after class. Usually, we're all still trying to wake up and stretch before class starts, and at the end of class, I'm rushing home to nurse Chase. So, this morning was nice to just hang out and relax with my yoga friends.
Meanwhile, Chris took Chase to Farmers' Market and met his parents there. I met them at the house afterwards. I hung out while Chris fixed his Miata. I made a batch of soap favors. Chase had a busy afternoon feeding the birds, swimming in the pool, bonking his head on the sliding glass door, and he loved laying his head down on the sheepskin rug (with his butt in the air). Chris went bike riding with the guys in the afternoon. Chase and I visited Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house. Chase enjoyed hitting the big red exercise ball and playing with cousin Geoff's Blackberry, bouncing to the music. Cousin Lauren and Auntie Stevi helped me think of centerpiece and decoration ideas for Chase's party, while I made a "To Do" list of things I need to get.
Cooked dinner and had another messy feeding as Chase just wanted to throw his poi and chicken all over the place. I tried some baby food lasagna with him, but I think he preferred the real thing we had the other night. I don't think he liked the texture of this one, spitting out the balls of pasta. After a good scrubbin' in the bath (where he was standing on his own without holding onto any support), he was out like a light by 8 pm.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Summer is Here!
Friday, 6 June 2008
Yesterday was the last day of school for students. This was the last year of having 6th grade. So, both our 5th and 6th graders graduated. There were nice videos and songs during an assembly. Two teachers retired. And, then our principal announced that he is retiring too. Today was spent finishing up reports on the computer, looking through catalogs to order textbooks and supplies for next year, and making my schedule for next year. I have the daunting task of purging and packing up my things to move classrooms. I moved last summer from a small classroom to a big classroom. Now I'm moving again to be closer to the middle of campus (not such a far walk for my kindergartners). I have to collect boxes this weekend and go back in next week to start packing. I hate moving.
Yesterday and today, in the afternoon, I went to the Rec Center to have Sam help me make soap favors for Chase's birthday. Oh, yeah, that's another reason why I didn't get much done yesterday because I spent time laminating his photos at school and cutting these small round circles. They're turning out cute though. I've spent 3 hours at a time. I think I have about 80 soaps so far. It's slow because you have to do it in layers and I only have so many molds. Some got messed up with bubbles and splitting. Guess those will go to the close relatives.
Chase has been taking only half hour naps this week...sometimes only one in the morning and that's it. So, he's been exhausted by the time dinner rolls around. This afternoon, after Chris picked up the car from getting detailed, he picked up Chase and then fed him dinner and bathed him. I came home just in time to nurse him and put him to bed at 7 pm. The past couple of nights he's only woken up once in the night to nurse, around 1:45 am a couple nights ago and at 4:15 am last night. Then he goes right back to bed and wakes up at 6 am. He's playing so hard these days.
Ah, summer is finally here. And so is the rain tonight. Good...our grass needs it.
Yesterday was the last day of school for students. This was the last year of having 6th grade. So, both our 5th and 6th graders graduated. There were nice videos and songs during an assembly. Two teachers retired. And, then our principal announced that he is retiring too. Today was spent finishing up reports on the computer, looking through catalogs to order textbooks and supplies for next year, and making my schedule for next year. I have the daunting task of purging and packing up my things to move classrooms. I moved last summer from a small classroom to a big classroom. Now I'm moving again to be closer to the middle of campus (not such a far walk for my kindergartners). I have to collect boxes this weekend and go back in next week to start packing. I hate moving.
Yesterday and today, in the afternoon, I went to the Rec Center to have Sam help me make soap favors for Chase's birthday. Oh, yeah, that's another reason why I didn't get much done yesterday because I spent time laminating his photos at school and cutting these small round circles. They're turning out cute though. I've spent 3 hours at a time. I think I have about 80 soaps so far. It's slow because you have to do it in layers and I only have so many molds. Some got messed up with bubbles and splitting. Guess those will go to the close relatives.
Chase has been taking only half hour naps this week...sometimes only one in the morning and that's it. So, he's been exhausted by the time dinner rolls around. This afternoon, after Chris picked up the car from getting detailed, he picked up Chase and then fed him dinner and bathed him. I came home just in time to nurse him and put him to bed at 7 pm. The past couple of nights he's only woken up once in the night to nurse, around 1:45 am a couple nights ago and at 4:15 am last night. Then he goes right back to bed and wakes up at 6 am. He's playing so hard these days.
Ah, summer is finally here. And so is the rain tonight. Good...our grass needs it.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
New Owners
Sunday, 1 June 2008
We are the owners of a new car (well used, but new to us)...Now Chris will drive the Altima I've been driving all this time until that breaks down. He's got to get rid of his Miata that's not working and is stored at his parents'. I no longer have to open the car from the passenger side, cram stuff into small spaces, push the gas pedal really hard to get it going, or burn my butt on the leather seats. After Chase and I had lunch with Chris Otake at CPK and caught up on our lives, I picked up my Chris and we met the woman at her place. I took a quick look at her Honda Odyssey for sale too. It was nice, but really big. We're not ready for THAT big yet. They bought it because her teen boys have outgrown the wagon, but now they're getting rid of both cars because they're moving to the mountains. We talked about the education system in Hawai'i (as she works at UH, and her husband teaches at a school here). Speaking of schools, we chatted about Washington, as he'll be working at WSU and she'll be working at the University of Idaho. We also talked about the name "Chase" since they wanted to name their son that at first. She dropped the price for us (She actually had higher offers) a couple thousand below what they were asking. I drove off with our new (but used) '05 Subaru Legacy Wagon. Though Chris doesn't like the honu (turtle) stickers they have on the back of the car (I think they're cute, along with the surfer gal and surfer dude! So Hawai'i too!), most of all, I love the fact that there is a working stereo in the car (Chris' car I was using didn't have a stereo that worked, so I missed listening to music so much!). The car handles well, drives smoothly, has strong A/C, and has lots of room in the back and cargo area. There is small scratch near the back bumper and a couple of parking lot door dings, but nothing major. And, it was nice to buy a car from good people. We'll have to get it detailed because they were beach people and had two teenagers. But, that's partly why she gave us money off (plus, she liked us I think). She gave us a swim video before we left. She and her husband have been teaching swimming on the side and have made a video on how to teach babies and kids of all ages to competitive level swimming. We'll watch it soon because she said her kids learned to swim before they can walk! Soon enough we'll be able to put surfboards on the rack of the car and head to the beach with Chase so he can go surf!
We are the owners of a new car (well used, but new to us)...Now Chris will drive the Altima I've been driving all this time until that breaks down. He's got to get rid of his Miata that's not working and is stored at his parents'. I no longer have to open the car from the passenger side, cram stuff into small spaces, push the gas pedal really hard to get it going, or burn my butt on the leather seats. After Chase and I had lunch with Chris Otake at CPK and caught up on our lives, I picked up my Chris and we met the woman at her place. I took a quick look at her Honda Odyssey for sale too. It was nice, but really big. We're not ready for THAT big yet. They bought it because her teen boys have outgrown the wagon, but now they're getting rid of both cars because they're moving to the mountains. We talked about the education system in Hawai'i (as she works at UH, and her husband teaches at a school here). Speaking of schools, we chatted about Washington, as he'll be working at WSU and she'll be working at the University of Idaho. We also talked about the name "Chase" since they wanted to name their son that at first. She dropped the price for us (She actually had higher offers) a couple thousand below what they were asking. I drove off with our new (but used) '05 Subaru Legacy Wagon. Though Chris doesn't like the honu (turtle) stickers they have on the back of the car (I think they're cute, along with the surfer gal and surfer dude! So Hawai'i too!), most of all, I love the fact that there is a working stereo in the car (Chris' car I was using didn't have a stereo that worked, so I missed listening to music so much!). The car handles well, drives smoothly, has strong A/C, and has lots of room in the back and cargo area. There is small scratch near the back bumper and a couple of parking lot door dings, but nothing major. And, it was nice to buy a car from good people. We'll have to get it detailed because they were beach people and had two teenagers. But, that's partly why she gave us money off (plus, she liked us I think). She gave us a swim video before we left. She and her husband have been teaching swimming on the side and have made a video on how to teach babies and kids of all ages to competitive level swimming. We'll watch it soon because she said her kids learned to swim before they can walk! Soon enough we'll be able to put surfboards on the rack of the car and head to the beach with Chase so he can go surf!
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