Thursday, June 26, 2008

Turning One

Thursday, 26 June 2008

It's hard to believe that a year ago tonight, I was lying in the living room at Auntie Stevie/Uncle Gary's house, and then in the middle of the night (around 1 am), I had the urge to go to the bathroom. Soon, my water broke, though I wasn't convinced that's what it was at first. Then around 2:30 am, Chris was rushing to me to the emergency room. And then the grilled cheese sandwich nurse (refer to the story in the post a year ago) told me I wasn't leaving the hospital without a baby. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart, and I was put into a birthing suite by 3 pm. By 7 am, though I almost gave into the pain at 6 am, I had held out without any epidural, and was 10 cm dilated. The doctor came in at 7:20 am. I started pushing. And, at 7:52 am, a 4 lb. 10 oz baby boy was put on my stomach. Such a surreal feeling.

We've survived a year, and what a year it has been.

This morning, we played with Jake and Jas before they left for Seattle. It was so awesome for Chase to meet his only cousins. This afternoon, my mom and Gary and I took Chase to the beach at Ala Moana (after they watched him during the morning so I could get stuff done in my classroom). He absolutely loved playing in the water, walking all over the place, while in his floatie device in the ocean. He didn't even care where I was. He would just go, go, go. It was really cute. He dunked his face in the water a couple of times. He laughed and smiled and enjoyed watching all the kids and birds around him. He really is at a fun age.

During our hour and a half wait at Side Street Inn tonight (which was unsuccessful, as we ended up at Zippy's in the end), Chase enjoyed shaking his head no, playing peek-a-boo, and blinking (though he's been trying to wink) his eyes. So cute.
At Zippy's, he was loud and hyper and had a voracious appetite, wanting to eat bread and water and whatever we had....way past his bedtime.

And, now, toddlerhood begins.

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