Thursday, 21 June 2007
I'm 34 weeks today and Junior is still kicking in the womb, rather than outside the womb, which is good. My only complaint these days are the fleas that have infested the house and my bed from my auntie and uncle's dog. I have now become paranoid with catching the jumpy little suckers that are leaving red itchy spots all over my feet and legs. Luckily, there are only a few on my belly and arms. But, I did catch one on my pillow this morning. They don't want to use the carpet cleaner because it's toxic chemicals and I'm pregnant. So, they're just vacuuming, and I had Jay wash all my bedding this afternoon. It's a temporary solution, but unless I find another home to reside in, I gotta deal with the itchies. It's not as excrutiating as my heat rash, which still comes and goes.
Interviewed a pediatrician this morning after I was on the wait-list to even get an appointment for months! A rather high-strung guy, but with a good sense of humor, he came highly recommended by friends, and based on his high-tech office (flat screen TV, US and People magazine, fancy scale, and flavored tongue depressors), his awards for America's Top Pediatricians from 2003-2007, and the two walls full of Christmas cards (which my Uncle Gary said would convince him to choose him), he looks like a winner. I'll talk to Chris about it tonight, as he has an interview with another one this afternoon. Usually we go together, but couldn't today. That's okay. At least he baked me a batch of brownies last night and was able to successfully find an outfit for me to wear to the doctor's (other than my bikini top and his boxer shorts that I typically wear around the house) when I don't have bi-weekly exursions to the great outdoors.
Miya's little boy Taiga is now in the ICU and not doing well with his white blood cell count declining. I wish I could go see him, but I'm praying for them and hope they figure out what's wrong with him and help him get better soon.
1 comment:
Have someone go to the Vet, or a feed store, and get some damned Advantage or Frontline first thing tomorrow! Have someone put it on your Aunt's dog, also your own. Unfortunately it takes 2-3 to be totally effective, but from that point on you'll never have a flea problem again! Any hatchings jump on the dog for a nibble and they're toast. Not toxic to you or your son (unless as a toddler he decides that licking a dog's back is yummy). Congragulations on your milestone (sigh of relief)
By the way Ms. Photog....after months of reading about all the food you put down in Thailand, and seeing nothing but photos of your svelte self, it would be nice to see a picture of you with a HUGE about it.
I wish you and your husband a joyous birthing experience, I have no doubt your son will be as heathy as a horse.
I would also like to belatedly offer my condolences on the loss of your Father. You spoke of him earning his wings, but you need to know that you also earned yours via your unselfish, loving care. Your's are just tucked away, out of sight, to be used at a later date.
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