Friday, 8 June 2007
As some of you know, I was admitted into the hospital a week ago, after my routine NST appointment showed that I had a couple contractions in twenty minutes and my doctor discovered that I was 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. I spent this past week on hospital bedrest, getting up only to use the bathroom and shower. I was able to eat my three meals and three snacks, and although I didn't sleep a wink the first night, was able to sleep the rest of my stay there, and welcomed the air-condition, visitors, and nice view of Central Union Church next door. Last weekend, they gave me a two-shot series of steroids for the baby to help his lungs develop in case he comes early, and I've been on Nifedipine, medicine to stop my contractions, every six hours. My contractions are not as frequent now as they were last weekend (I was having as many as 10 in an hour), so that's reassuring. I have not dilated any more, and my ultrasound this afternoon showed that baby is growing fine, and he is now 3 pounds, 6 ounces.
I was discharged late this afternoon, but cannot stay at my house because of my 85 stairs, which would surely make the baby come out. And my baby shower has been postponed. I am restricted to modified bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy, which means that I am to stay reclined in bed at all times, but can get up to go to the bathroom.
I'm okay with being lazy, now that summer is here, but my lack of activity is causing back spasms and constipation, which is not so fun.'s hot. But, I'm at my Auntie Stevie and Uncle Gary's house, set up with a bed in the living room, since there are only ten stairs to deal with.
Chris has been the best, trudging my stuff up the stairs, fixing meals for me, and massaging my back.
Baby needs to stay in much longer, but we're aiming for at least 34 weeks right now, which would be two weeks from now.
Thanks to all those who visited me in the hospital, called, and brought me food, magazines, and flowers.
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend Stacy's mom's memorial tomorrow morning. My heart and thoughts go out to her and her family during this difficult time.
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