Sunday, 1 July 2007
Chase was taken off of the bililites today as his jaundice is gone. He was moved to a more stable overflow nursery (unbeknownst to us, by which I almost flipped out when my baby wasn't in the same warmer or even the same floor as before). There has been a major lack of communication between staff and us in regards to Chase's daily status and reports, which is a bit disconcerting, but that's a whole nother blog post. He was wide-eyed after feeding and is getting the hang of breastfeeding.
My mom and Aunty Sharon took Chris and I shopping for a carseat, stroller, nursing bras, and changing table.
I fed Chase at 2 pm and 5 pm at the hospital and pumped the rest of my milk for the nurses to give him.
Chris' parents took us out to dinner for Italian food. My mom made pickled pigs' feet soup for me today as a Chinese tradition to help bring in your milk (although from the looks of it, I don't need any help in that arena).
Now, in between feedings, is the only time, in the middle of the night, where I can upload pictures and update my blog.
And so the journey of sleepless nights and engorged boobs begins....
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