Wednesday, 4 July 2007
After an exhausting night of nursing and pumping and nursing and pumping, I just didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but engorgement often wakes me up and forces me to pump. We headed to the hospital for Chase's 11:00 feeding. The nurse, Darla, went over teaching things, reviewing bathing, feeding, giving Chase his daily iron supplement for anemia (a common premmie issue), and fitting Chase in the car seat. We got my thirty bottles full of milk (fresh and frozen) that I had brought in, and then after changing him into a going home outfit and then taking pictures, Darla escorted us out to the car and gave us a hug goodbye.
The hospital nurses were really informative and helpful on making sure we knew what to do once we got home. (And, if not, Darla told us that her shift didn't end until 7:30 pm this evening, so that we could give her a call if we needed to.) We headed home with Chase wrapped up in his blue and chocolate brown polka dotted blanket from Auntie Steph and he kinda looked around the whole time.
This Independence Day has a whole new meaning for us this year. Chase is "free" from the hospital after a week's stay. And, we're officially parents. My mom, Jay, and Shelly were all at home, and Auntie Stevie and Geoff were excited to come see the baby. We got into a routine of things by the evening, with Chris helping to wash my pump stuff when I'm nursing, then getting a bottle ready to feed him, while I go off and pump. We shared duties in changing his poopy diapers, and after one episode of crying and trying to figure out what was wrong, we finally figured out that he was hungry and just wanted to be swaddled. His grandparents (Chris' mom and dad) visited and we got him all swaddled up and washed his face. He's all snug as a bug in a rug. We're not quite used to having the hospital monitors gone though. So, we keep going over to check him, to make sure he is breathing.
As the smoke fills Palolo Valley from all the fireworks this evening, the house is just quiet and calm, with my mom with some friends and my brother and his girlfriend out with friends to celebrate the 4th. For Chris and I, we relish the quietness. We're getting the routine down, and although it's been exhausting and stressful at times, it's nice to know that this little being is here with us. I better get my nap in now because, in just an hour, I'll just have to wake him up to eat again.
1 comment:
Ah, those early days of falling in love with your 'little one'. You will
cherish this time. Becoming a parent adds a new meaning to the words: responsibility and passion.
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