Chase did very well today when he got his first set of immunizations today at the doctor's. Here he is donning his Curious George band-aids.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gassy, Fussy, and No Sleep
Monday, 27 August 2007
Last week was a long week, hence no posts. Chase was super gassy and inconsolable at night, so I got little sleep for days. Perhaps I need to change my diet. But, Dr. Sia did tell us he's a gassy baby and that he will be fussy. I now nurse him so he's sitting upright on my lap. He doesn't spit up as much, but he's still a spitter. I'm getting used to spit up on my arm and down my shirt. I'm always prepared with extra clothes and lots of burp cloths, as well noticing that he often spits up after his eyes go a little cross-eyed and his body squirms a lot. He only poops an explosive-five wipes-almost out the backside diaper every three or four days now too. I am trying to watch what I eat. The 48 hours after I ate broccoli was not so good. He and I were up all night. So out goes broccoli, garlic, onions, spicy food, etc. Geez, that's everything I love! We tried using anti-gas drops, but they don't seem to work. Might try other supplements from the health food store, as suggested by my friend in Seattle.
I use a nursing cover now, and that makes it so much easier to breastfeed in public and in restaurants. I was in the Neiman Marcus bathroom and people kept asking me if I was in line for the bathroom. One woman asked if I was okay. She thought I was sick and covering myself with a blanket. I had to show her little Chase's feet and tell her that I was nursing. She was so surprised! After that, I exposed his feet a little so that people would stop giving me strange looks, wondering what I was doing sitting in the bathroom.
Although I was weary-eyed and pulling my hair out last week, we still managed to go out on the weekend. Although I spent most of the time searching for a bathroom to change Chase and nurse, we went to Ala Moana shopping center on Saturday. Yesterday, the ALS Support Group threw me and Chase a WELCOME BABY CHASE party. It was a potluck pool party, and we had fun swimming, eating, and just being outside. As the kamani nuts fell from the tree above and hit the pavement. Chase slept most of the time in the Beco carrier.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
The New Look

Friday, 17 August 2007
Today was a state holiday, Admissions Day, so I was able to have Auntie Stevi watch Chase this afternoon so I could go get my haircut. She was amazed that he eats so much, and he was nearly awake the entire time. It felt so good to finally cut my hair in almost a year (the last time I had my hair cut was in October of last year in Seattle). I chopped it all off (and although Chris was leary about me losing my long locks, he likes the new do), and it's healthy again, and a fun new cut. I decided to go back, after Chris got off of work, so he could carry Chase around the mall (He tried the Baby Bjorn for the first time, but it was a bit of a chore getting the sleeping Chase in and out of the carrier, and he's so little that Chris said he got some strange stares from onlookers...perhaps wondering if there really was a baby in there). I got my eyebrows waxed (again probably the first time in a year), and the gal was a perfectionist, fixing my strays even as I was paying for my bill at the counter.
Now all I have to do is get my nails done and I'll be all styled up and ready to go. Go for what, I'm not sure. But, it feels good to have a new look, especially after being holed up in the house on bedrest for 7 weeks, and being home a lot more with Chase attached to me now. A new mommy always needs a new look.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Making Bigger Steps
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Today was definitely a day for making big steps. We took Chase to the doctor today to have the pediatrician examine him for reflux. He agreed Chase's spitting up is probably an issue, but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would require major intervention. He is a gassy baby, which is probably contributing to a lot of his fussiness. The most exciting thing was that he weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz., so he's doubled his weight since birth! Dr. Sia was rather surprised and happy (saying he's already going off the charts for a normal baby's growth, so he's not even going to adjust it for his premature age), confirming even more so that his reflux is nothing to be worried about. We'll just have to keep burp cloths handy and keep doing laundry everyday and watch out for those projectile vomits! He gave us some advice on what we can do to help with his gas, but other than that he's doing great, and we'll see him again in a couple of weeks for his two month checkup.
Because I was so happy and thought Chase and I deserved a treat (we must be treating ourselves a lot lately because we just received our brand new 20 inch IMac in the mail yesterday as well!), I went to the Baby AWEARness store in Manoa Marketplace and bought a Beco baby carrier for us. Yes, after my weeks of research on the internet and local baby stores and talking to a mom/salesperson today in the store (who said she owns the Ergo baby carrier, ring slings, and pouches, but likes the Beco the best), I decided to go ahead with the Beco. The clincher was when (after nursing him in the store), she suggested I try him in the Beco, and seconds after putting him in a front carry, he immediately fell asleep! That never happens in the carseat or the bassinet for sure! And this carrier can last from newborn to toddler, for front, hip, or back carrying.
Once I got home, I was going to do a load of laundry, but I put him in the Beco again to try it on, and he fell asleep again! Now I can walk around the house, hands-free, and I can even type with two hands! Very nice! I'm happy with my purchase (which was actually purchased by using gift money, so thanks Aunty Shelley and Popo...I'll put a picture up soon so you can see what you bought me!) Besides, it looks really cute too! Chris will be amazed that I finally bought something after talking about it for so long.
Now I can finally take bigger steps up and down our 85 stairs, with baby and all!
Today was definitely a day for making big steps. We took Chase to the doctor today to have the pediatrician examine him for reflux. He agreed Chase's spitting up is probably an issue, but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would require major intervention. He is a gassy baby, which is probably contributing to a lot of his fussiness. The most exciting thing was that he weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz., so he's doubled his weight since birth! Dr. Sia was rather surprised and happy (saying he's already going off the charts for a normal baby's growth, so he's not even going to adjust it for his premature age), confirming even more so that his reflux is nothing to be worried about. We'll just have to keep burp cloths handy and keep doing laundry everyday and watch out for those projectile vomits! He gave us some advice on what we can do to help with his gas, but other than that he's doing great, and we'll see him again in a couple of weeks for his two month checkup.
Because I was so happy and thought Chase and I deserved a treat (we must be treating ourselves a lot lately because we just received our brand new 20 inch IMac in the mail yesterday as well!), I went to the Baby AWEARness store in Manoa Marketplace and bought a Beco baby carrier for us. Yes, after my weeks of research on the internet and local baby stores and talking to a mom/salesperson today in the store (who said she owns the Ergo baby carrier, ring slings, and pouches, but likes the Beco the best), I decided to go ahead with the Beco. The clincher was when (after nursing him in the store), she suggested I try him in the Beco, and seconds after putting him in a front carry, he immediately fell asleep! That never happens in the carseat or the bassinet for sure! And this carrier can last from newborn to toddler, for front, hip, or back carrying.
Once I got home, I was going to do a load of laundry, but I put him in the Beco again to try it on, and he fell asleep again! Now I can walk around the house, hands-free, and I can even type with two hands! Very nice! I'm happy with my purchase (which was actually purchased by using gift money, so thanks Aunty Shelley and Popo...I'll put a picture up soon so you can see what you bought me!) Besides, it looks really cute too! Chris will be amazed that I finally bought something after talking about it for so long.
Now I can finally take bigger steps up and down our 85 stairs, with baby and all!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
BBQ at Kapi'olani Park
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Chase is having a lot of firsts, and today, was his first trip to Kapi'olani Park (after sleeping in because he was fussy and awake from 3 - 8:30 am)to celebrate my friend Linh's son Jordan's 16th birthday. They had lots of food for the barbeque, and although it drizzled at times, we missed the downpour in the evening and others set up a tent to cover us. Aunty Stevie's little bouncer/sunshade things worked perfectly for an outing to the park as Chase could sleep and not get bug bitten. Everyone adored baby Chase, taking turns holding him. I nursed him probably about 3 or 4 times (nearly an hour each time) while we were there from 1 - 7 pm. It was a fun day, nice to get some fresh air and be out of the house. Chase slept well and ate well too. It would have been nice to have a sling today to carry Chase in (yes, I will buy one soon!).
We made popcorn and watched a movie at home this evening, but Chase and I both fell asleep on the couch of course!
Tomorrow night, Chris' mom has offered to watch Chase so that Chris and I can have a date night and go see "The Simpsons" movie that Chris has been dying to see. We weighed Chase using our own method, and by our calculations, he weighs about 8 1/3 pounds.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Little Squirt
Friday, 10 August 2007
Brought Chase to school this morning so that I could help organize stuff in the classroom (it's still a mess and not how I would like it after the big move) and help orient Christina (my long-term sub) in person (rather than by cell phone, which we've been doing). We were there for a few hours, and of course he was stuck to the boob most of the time). Finally left at 1 pm so that I could go eat some lunch for myself at home.
But left right after at 1:45 pm because I realized that I had misplaced my cell phone. Now, see, this is when living down 85 stairs is not the ideal thing. Because now, I had to nurse Chase until he was a little bit sleepy so that I could successfully strap him back into the infant car seat without him crying too much (he hates being messed with and strapped into that thing), then carry him, his diaper bag, my Nalgene bottle, and everything else I just brought down 85 stairs, right back up 85 stairs, just to see if my cell phone was upstairs.
Sure enough (thank goodness), my phone was tucked under his carseat base in the car. So...since I brought everything up all 85 stairs, I figured we might as well make an excursion out of our little journey and go somewhere. So, I brought him to another baby boutique for more sling shopping (Now, you have to understand that Chris gives me a hard time for sling shopping, because I've merely been window shopping online and in stores for weeks now, but haven't yet bought one!). The owner was really helpful in showing my slings and carriers. She suggested that I get a ring sling instead of a carrier right now because if I used a carrier, I'd have to use an infant insert so that he'd fit, and it's way too hot here for all that material. But, I still didn't buy one. I'm getting closer though...A little more research, and I'll be ready! Ha!
Chase got hungry and she offered that I nurse him in a dressing room, so I did, and then she gave me a teacher discount for a purchase I made. She was really helpful and I'll probably go there again to buy things.
Went to the post office to mail a baby swaddle blanket to Christina, then headed to the mall. And, of course, as soon as I get parked and inside, Chase is hungry again. So, I went up to the Macy's bathroom to change him and nurse. Everyone kept commenting that they heard a tiny baby (with his little cries that sound like a bird) and would come around the corner to ask me how old he is.
Chris met me at the mall after he got off of work. We ran into his parents eating Chinese food, so we joined them to get some dinner as well, and then they fed him a bottle while we ate. Walking back through the mall, we ran into Uncle Gary and Auntie Stevie, and then a few seconds later, ran into friend Suzette and her little baby Lili (who was born a week before Chase and is about 2 times his size...but she was past her due date and was a big baby at birth with a full head of hair!) I nursed Chase again at Barnes & Nobles, then after we headed home at 7:30 pm, nursed him again while I searched the internet for slings.
Chris and I changed and sponge bathed Chase. I told Chris to keep the little washcloth over his peepee, then all of a sudden I see this fountain spray that nearly got me right in the eye and hit the wall. I screamed and laughed simultaneously. It was quite funny, though I'm always giving Chris a hard time for not covering the peepee. Appropriately, we dressed in his little whale outfit that says "Little Squirt".
Despite his squirtings, Chase is still cute at 6 weeks. After I nurse him to sleep, I sing my favorite kindergarten book/song "Baby Beluga", and he smiles. It calms him down when he's fussy, and his smiles are very endearing.
Brought Chase to school this morning so that I could help organize stuff in the classroom (it's still a mess and not how I would like it after the big move) and help orient Christina (my long-term sub) in person (rather than by cell phone, which we've been doing). We were there for a few hours, and of course he was stuck to the boob most of the time). Finally left at 1 pm so that I could go eat some lunch for myself at home.
But left right after at 1:45 pm because I realized that I had misplaced my cell phone. Now, see, this is when living down 85 stairs is not the ideal thing. Because now, I had to nurse Chase until he was a little bit sleepy so that I could successfully strap him back into the infant car seat without him crying too much (he hates being messed with and strapped into that thing), then carry him, his diaper bag, my Nalgene bottle, and everything else I just brought down 85 stairs, right back up 85 stairs, just to see if my cell phone was upstairs.
Sure enough (thank goodness), my phone was tucked under his carseat base in the car. So...since I brought everything up all 85 stairs, I figured we might as well make an excursion out of our little journey and go somewhere. So, I brought him to another baby boutique for more sling shopping (Now, you have to understand that Chris gives me a hard time for sling shopping, because I've merely been window shopping online and in stores for weeks now, but haven't yet bought one!). The owner was really helpful in showing my slings and carriers. She suggested that I get a ring sling instead of a carrier right now because if I used a carrier, I'd have to use an infant insert so that he'd fit, and it's way too hot here for all that material. But, I still didn't buy one. I'm getting closer though...A little more research, and I'll be ready! Ha!
Chase got hungry and she offered that I nurse him in a dressing room, so I did, and then she gave me a teacher discount for a purchase I made. She was really helpful and I'll probably go there again to buy things.
Went to the post office to mail a baby swaddle blanket to Christina, then headed to the mall. And, of course, as soon as I get parked and inside, Chase is hungry again. So, I went up to the Macy's bathroom to change him and nurse. Everyone kept commenting that they heard a tiny baby (with his little cries that sound like a bird) and would come around the corner to ask me how old he is.
Chris met me at the mall after he got off of work. We ran into his parents eating Chinese food, so we joined them to get some dinner as well, and then they fed him a bottle while we ate. Walking back through the mall, we ran into Uncle Gary and Auntie Stevie, and then a few seconds later, ran into friend Suzette and her little baby Lili (who was born a week before Chase and is about 2 times his size...but she was past her due date and was a big baby at birth with a full head of hair!) I nursed Chase again at Barnes & Nobles, then after we headed home at 7:30 pm, nursed him again while I searched the internet for slings.
Chris and I changed and sponge bathed Chase. I told Chris to keep the little washcloth over his peepee, then all of a sudden I see this fountain spray that nearly got me right in the eye and hit the wall. I screamed and laughed simultaneously. It was quite funny, though I'm always giving Chris a hard time for not covering the peepee. Appropriately, we dressed in his little whale outfit that says "Little Squirt".
Despite his squirtings, Chase is still cute at 6 weeks. After I nurse him to sleep, I sing my favorite kindergarten book/song "Baby Beluga", and he smiles. It calms him down when he's fussy, and his smiles are very endearing.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Finally....Getting Out And About
Thursday, 9 August 2007
After a day of non-stop feeding (nearly every hour!), we FINALLY left the hot house after Chris got home from work, and after giving Chase a bath. We went to Kahala Mall, and as I was checking out slings at a baby store there, we ran into friends Kai and Jason. We decided to have dinner together at Zippy's and talked about their new townhouse they just bought (as well as Apples - computers that is). Nursed Chase during dinner as he has just been hungry all day long! It was nice to be out and meet up with friends!
After a day of non-stop feeding (nearly every hour!), we FINALLY left the hot house after Chris got home from work, and after giving Chase a bath. We went to Kahala Mall, and as I was checking out slings at a baby store there, we ran into friends Kai and Jason. We decided to have dinner together at Zippy's and talked about their new townhouse they just bought (as well as Apples - computers that is). Nursed Chase during dinner as he has just been hungry all day long! It was nice to be out and meet up with friends!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Brought Chase to my dentist appointment this morning so that my Uncle Bobby and Aunty Leo and the office gang, Ann, and my dental hygenist Jan could see baby Chase. Uncle Bobby is my dad's close friend since college days. My brother and I used to take turns bringing my dad to the office for checkups (as we needed to transfer him to and from the wheelchair). They gave us a package of diapers and a cute little outfit (which he'll have to grow into for sure!). After some catching up and some teeth cleaning, I dropped Chase off at my in-laws so that I could go to my checkup with the OB/Gyn. Everything went fine there. I got the okay to exercise, so I'll have to figure out when I can put Bikram yoga back into my daily routine.
I stopped at some baby stores to look at some slings (in my quest to find the right carrier for baby wearing), then grabbed some lunch on the way back to the Halsall's. Hung out a bit there and fed Chase before heading home. I think he is going through a growth sput because he sure is drinking a lot. He is smiling and laughing too, which is really cute.
Brought Chase to my dentist appointment this morning so that my Uncle Bobby and Aunty Leo and the office gang, Ann, and my dental hygenist Jan could see baby Chase. Uncle Bobby is my dad's close friend since college days. My brother and I used to take turns bringing my dad to the office for checkups (as we needed to transfer him to and from the wheelchair). They gave us a package of diapers and a cute little outfit (which he'll have to grow into for sure!). After some catching up and some teeth cleaning, I dropped Chase off at my in-laws so that I could go to my checkup with the OB/Gyn. Everything went fine there. I got the okay to exercise, so I'll have to figure out when I can put Bikram yoga back into my daily routine.
I stopped at some baby stores to look at some slings (in my quest to find the right carrier for baby wearing), then grabbed some lunch on the way back to the Halsall's. Hung out a bit there and fed Chase before heading home. I think he is going through a growth sput because he sure is drinking a lot. He is smiling and laughing too, which is really cute.
Monday, August 06, 2007
A Growing Boy
Monday, 6 August 2007
Chris and I are trying to coordinate outings to get out of the hot house. Each time we go out, we usually forget something, like a pacifier (just in case) or extra diapers. We'll get it right sometime in the future.
Yesterday, we window shopped at baby stores, but didn't buy anything. I am still looking for a sling to carry baby in. I nursed him in a restaurant during a late lunch, and then again at an outdoor table at Manoa Marketplace, and then again in Hawai'i Kai at my friend's retail store. Chase eats pretty often, and is still not on a regular schedule or anything, so I have to be ready anytime, anywhere.
Chase has grown out of preemie diapers and preemie clothes. We tried to put on his cute monkey pj's last night and his legs were too long for them!
Erica gave me a cute top that I can use for nursing as we stopped by her store, Split Obsession, yesterday. Then, we went to Chris' parents for dinner (and enjoyed mochi ice cream from Bubbies for dessert!). I took some really cute pictures of Chase with his grandparents. The other day, my mother-in-law Audrey and I bathed him in the kitchen sink. He was really good and didn't cry at all.
I'm finally getting more sleep in at night. He still wakes up a couple times in the night, but after I feed him, I put him on my chest to sleep and we both get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Audrey bought us a couple of mobiles. We're still trying to figure out if he can see patterns and shapes.
Finally, some more good news. Miya called me to tell me that they brought Taiga home on Thursday, after being in the hospital for over a month. He is still re-learning how to walk and how to do things independently after being in an induced coma while they tried to figure out what was wrong with him. He gets OT, PT, and speech therapy now and is on the road to recovery, so that's a happy ending to a scary beginning.
And, my good friend Christina (in Seattle) was induced on August 1st (Her original due date was on the 5th, a few days after mine.) and had a 7 pound baby boy, Tyler John, who joins his older brother Max (and I'm told baby Ty looks just like him!).
So, great, wonderful news all around!
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