Monday, 6 August 2007
Chris and I are trying to coordinate outings to get out of the hot house. Each time we go out, we usually forget something, like a pacifier (just in case) or extra diapers. We'll get it right sometime in the future.
Yesterday, we window shopped at baby stores, but didn't buy anything. I am still looking for a sling to carry baby in. I nursed him in a restaurant during a late lunch, and then again at an outdoor table at Manoa Marketplace, and then again in Hawai'i Kai at my friend's retail store. Chase eats pretty often, and is still not on a regular schedule or anything, so I have to be ready anytime, anywhere.
Chase has grown out of preemie diapers and preemie clothes. We tried to put on his cute monkey pj's last night and his legs were too long for them!
Erica gave me a cute top that I can use for nursing as we stopped by her store, Split Obsession, yesterday. Then, we went to Chris' parents for dinner (and enjoyed mochi ice cream from Bubbies for dessert!). I took some really cute pictures of Chase with his grandparents. The other day, my mother-in-law Audrey and I bathed him in the kitchen sink. He was really good and didn't cry at all.
I'm finally getting more sleep in at night. He still wakes up a couple times in the night, but after I feed him, I put him on my chest to sleep and we both get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Audrey bought us a couple of mobiles. We're still trying to figure out if he can see patterns and shapes.
Finally, some more good news. Miya called me to tell me that they brought Taiga home on Thursday, after being in the hospital for over a month. He is still re-learning how to walk and how to do things independently after being in an induced coma while they tried to figure out what was wrong with him. He gets OT, PT, and speech therapy now and is on the road to recovery, so that's a happy ending to a scary beginning.
And, my good friend Christina (in Seattle) was induced on August 1st (Her original due date was on the 5th, a few days after mine.) and had a 7 pound baby boy, Tyler John, who joins his older brother Max (and I'm told baby Ty looks just like him!).
So, great, wonderful news all around!
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