Monday, 27 August 2007
Last week was a long week, hence no posts. Chase was super gassy and inconsolable at night, so I got little sleep for days. Perhaps I need to change my diet. But, Dr. Sia did tell us he's a gassy baby and that he will be fussy. I now nurse him so he's sitting upright on my lap. He doesn't spit up as much, but he's still a spitter. I'm getting used to spit up on my arm and down my shirt. I'm always prepared with extra clothes and lots of burp cloths, as well noticing that he often spits up after his eyes go a little cross-eyed and his body squirms a lot. He only poops an explosive-five wipes-almost out the backside diaper every three or four days now too. I am trying to watch what I eat. The 48 hours after I ate broccoli was not so good. He and I were up all night. So out goes broccoli, garlic, onions, spicy food, etc. Geez, that's everything I love! We tried using anti-gas drops, but they don't seem to work. Might try other supplements from the health food store, as suggested by my friend in Seattle.
I use a nursing cover now, and that makes it so much easier to breastfeed in public and in restaurants. I was in the Neiman Marcus bathroom and people kept asking me if I was in line for the bathroom. One woman asked if I was okay. She thought I was sick and covering myself with a blanket. I had to show her little Chase's feet and tell her that I was nursing. She was so surprised! After that, I exposed his feet a little so that people would stop giving me strange looks, wondering what I was doing sitting in the bathroom.
Although I was weary-eyed and pulling my hair out last week, we still managed to go out on the weekend. Although I spent most of the time searching for a bathroom to change Chase and nurse, we went to Ala Moana shopping center on Saturday. Yesterday, the ALS Support Group threw me and Chase a WELCOME BABY CHASE party. It was a potluck pool party, and we had fun swimming, eating, and just being outside. As the kamani nuts fell from the tree above and hit the pavement. Chase slept most of the time in the Beco carrier.
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