Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Last week was a hectic one. I discovered early on in the week that my driver's license and state ID card was missing. I spent the rest of the week calling the places I've been, scouring the house, car, and clothes looking for them, especially since I just got a new state ID card. But, no luck. So, I took the steps to put on a fraud alert just in case. Now realizing that I am stuck to the house once again and must wait for Chris to take me places, I didn't really do much last week, except for try to clean and organize the house and window shop for furniture on Craigslist.
We took Chase to his 2 month appointment with Dr. Sia on Friday. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 20 3/4 inches. So, he's growing well. Dr. Sia talked to us about Chase's sleeping, feeding, and pooping patterns, and then showed us how to force the poop out if we have to (not so pleasant sticking something up his behind, so don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon. I'm okay with the little guy pooping only every few days.) Chase did fine with the two shots (and got cute little Curious George bandaids on each thigh as a souvenir) and slurped up the liquid vaccine. He was a bit lethargic all weekend, but not feverish at all. He did really good with everything and is now an "ex-preemie" because he's all caught up with where he should be growth-wise.
Off we went to a wedding at the Halekulani. My cousin Mike and Susan got married in a small ceremony on the Hau Terrace lanai, with his boys as his best men and her sisters as her bridesmaids. Strange to go to a wedding on a Friday morning, but most of the guests were from Seattle, so they were all on vacation. Chase was the best behaved kid there, as the other kids chased each other around and untied Chris' shoes under the table during the reception. Although Mike's dad passed away from cancer a week prior, it was still a joyous event. It was a simple ceremony and the food at the reception was awesome! My Aunty Jolene got to hold Chase, and everyone admired his blue eyes. And in true local style, Mike was already in shorts and slippers for the reception!
This past weekend, I FINALLY went back to Bikram yoga for the first time. Although my back has been tender from carrying Chase, my entire body is now sore from Saturday and Sunday morning classes. I've been wobbling around ever since. But it felt good to finally be able to feed Chase and then quickly hand him off to Chris so that I could go torture myself. After 5 months of doing absolutely nothing, I could still do most of the poses, but definitely have lost the endurance to hold the poses and am not as flexible in my hamstrings or my back. It will take me a month or so to get back in shape. The worst thing was any pose where I had to lie on my chest because I was super engorged and sore. Alexis, the owner of the studio, said that perhaps we can fit in 45 minute sessions in between classes after she has her baby in a couple of months. Then we don't have to wait so long to nurse.
Saturday afternoon, we took Chase to the Okinawan Festival at Kapi'olani Park. My friend Joel, president of the Young Okinawans, let us camp out under the club's tent in the shade. We enjoyed eating noodles and andagi and drinking Jasmine tea. I missed all the bon dancing however, since I was sitting down and nursing most of the time. But everyone around us was amazed at how alert Chase was (when he wasn't nursing that is). He was looking all around and enjoying the taiko drum beats.
Yesterday was the annual Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Chris, Chase, and I went down to the TV studios, after watching it all day long, to say hi and to drop off thank you notes to people who came to Chase's welcome party. Bernice was there to answer phones. During the local portion, they put together a memorial part for those who have passed. They made a nice tribute to my dad, with parts of his vignette that was taped a couple of years ago. It brought silence and tears to everyone's eyes.
As life goes on, I still find myself getting emotional when I see Chris' dad play with Chase, or when I see how fiesty and strong Chase is. I often play out in my head what my dad might say or envision the smile on his face. I talk to Chase and show him all the photos of my dad around the house. And when the memorial tribute played on TV yesterday, we told Chase that was his grandfather, a great, loving, and humble man whom hopefully Chase will grow up to be like.
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