Thursday, 6 September 2007
These days, trying to get errands done around the house is quite difficult. I can put in a load of laundry, but not have time to hang up the clothes. I can prepare a meal for myself, but not have time to eat it. I can start to clean a corner of the room, but then leave everything dissheveled because Chase is hungry, wet, needs burping, or is tired. He still favors cuddling up on your shoulder, all curled up like a little frog, which is very sweet and endearing, but makes it hard to do things. If he's not in a DEEP sleep, I cannot put him down, because he knows when I am not holding him anymore or when I walk away from the room. And, then the crying cycle starts all over again. I'm trying to let him cry it out, learn to sleep without having to have my scent or touch nearby, but it's not that easy. Plus, he's still my sweet little baby.
Whenever I nurse Chase, he has such a voracious appetite, that he grabs on and clings to my shirt with his two hands just to make sure I'm not depriving him of anything. It's quite humorous actually. Well, today, I attempted to vacuum the sofa after he fell asleep on my shoulder, so I put him down in the crib....And after 5 minutes, he was crying hysterically, so much so that I could hear it above the drone of the vacuum. So, I went in and put pacifier in his mouth, started vacuuming again, and within minutes, he was crying again....I tried to let him cry it out, but ended up picking him up because he had sweat on his brow, and he had sweat through his clothes because he was getting himself all worked up.
Now in my arms, of course he's fallen asleep again, but this time I think he's holding on and not letting go...
Or perhaps it's Mommy that's not letting go of her sweet little baby.
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