Thursday, 31 January 2008
Got a really bad sore throat on Sunday afternoon. Plus, the weather was windy and cool, so we didn't go hiking that day. Even though I fought a sore throat (and gargled my cayenne pepper-apple cider vinegar-honey-hot water concoction) all week, I managed to have a good week teaching. The kids were engaged in each class, and I was able to structure the lessons and get good writing out of all of them, with minimal planning and preparation outside of class. I was actually surprised at how engaged my fifth and sixth graders were this week. They actually had fun doing Daily Oral Language, learning about prefixes and suffixes, and writing. Wow! Glad they're motivated because the next couple of weeks we'll be testing all 70 of our students to see if they qualify to exit out of the ELL (English Language Learners) Program.
For the most part, Chase was good at Miya's and Nana's this week. He was fussy with Miya for the first time yesterday, just fighting off sleep. He hasn't been sleeping well at night (up every couple of hours to nurse), so I've been tired too, but I've gotten used to (doesn't mean I like it) it. He's more regular now (2 - 3 times a day) and has a hefty appetite, eating lots of poi, oatmeal (Today he ate about 5 ounces of milk with oatmeal), and his favorite pears (loves the homemade ones from the Magic Bullet). But, it's still a challenge to get him to take a substantial amount of milk from the variety of sippy cups and bottles we've accumulated. He still prefers his milk straight from the tap. We have fun watching him laugh hysterically and sitting up and playing. He can pick up a ball with one hand (of course putting it straight into his mouth!), and although everyone but us has seen it, he has been flipping over the hard way (from his back to his tummy).
Now it is Thursday afternoon, and after a week of rainy and windy weather, it is only timely that the Punahou carnival is this weekend (It always rains!). It's been ugly out. So, we've been staying indoors most afternoons, besides grocery shopping, banking, picking up contact lenses, going to the post office, and watching "Lost" reruns. Jay visited yesterday and played with Chase at the house. He gave me his new realtor business card, the latest part-time gig, and talked about his upcoming trip with Shelly to Equador. Chris is talking about taking off from work early tomorrow afternoon so that we can take Chase to his first carnival and put him on the merry-go-round. I can't wait to eat some malasadas...Mmmmm! (We'll be sure to bring our umbrellas of course!)
It's a good thing tomorrow is Friday because I've now lost my voice. I was so worried about getting Chase sick this week. Looks like I have laryngitis. Guess my teacher immune system lost its strength during my time off.