Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Tonight, as we were struggling to bathe Chase in the new tub we got him (and we figured out that he's too small for it and needs to learn how to sit up better before we put him in this bigger tub), I heard a "Hello?" coming through the house. It was Shelly, Jay's girlfriend, coming for a visit. Unfortunately, after our bathing debacle, and moving him to our original bathing situation in the infant tub in the kitchen sink (which he was not happy about as I'm sure he was thinking, "Aren't we done with this bathing thing??? Enough already!"), she did not find him in good spirits. It took him awhile to warm up to her a he was pretty pissed off. Eventually, he calmed down and got to play with Shelly and Uncle Jay who eventually showed up as well. They said they were going to a birthday party. Turns out, we were too!...And to the same one!
It was a theme party...though after our chaotic bath, we weren't about to think up a costume, so we sort of made the baby look cute with his "Chicks dig my ride" bicycle onesie, a bandana on his head, and his skull shoes to turn him into a "Bad Biker Dude", which was sort of a stretch from the theme (because I don't think there's a mountain biking category in the Olympics, but we wore bike paraphenalia as well). He's a baby though...he was cute.
Jay and Shelly went as the China and Korea ping pong teams, and they fashioned their labels on their shirts (Jay wore an old sports shirt of Dad's) with good 'ole tape at the house and left with ping pong racket in hand.
We all got to Uncle Bo's restaurant (which I have been wanting to check out for quite some time now, and it turned out to be a great place....tasty food, great ambience, and cool crowd...so nondescript from the outside..We'll have to go back again!) just in time to get the torch handed to us. Our specific instructions were to hand the paper torch off to the next people that came into the party. There were world flag banners for decorations, gold medals for prizes, and Olympics trivia (most of which I did not know the answers to) on the tables. Jennifer, the birthday gal (and MDA health coordinator who worked with my dad and our family for the past few years, also a Punahou graduate, and her brother played sports with my brother since they were little), was "The Mathlete" with her nerdy glasses, math equations tatooed on her arm, and her hair in pigtails. We sat next to the Hawaiian Curling Team member, with his can of Coral Hawaiian Tuna and brush. It was a great theme..Jenn always comes up with the greatest themes and has fun birthday parties.
We gnoshed on heavy pupus, including clams, poke (raw ahi salsa in a way), shrimp, calamari, etc. and even got to eat some Olympic birthday cake. We didn't win any medals, but Chase got passed around to all the guests and was in a happy mood...such a social bug that one! He only got super fussy when we tried to put him to bed at 9:30 pm, way past his bedtime! Chase certainly did not get the gold medal for his performance in the bath tonight, but he performed much better at the party.
1 comment:
Mountain Biking is an olympic sport. :-)
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