Sunday, 11 May 2008
So, of course on my first Mother's Day, I'm sick....No, I don't have a cold. I have the other kind of sick. Chris was nice and took Chase out most of yesterday after I came home from yoga so that I could rest and relax in the house by myself. I slept most of the day and watched TV. I didn't eat much and snacked on whatever was around, too lazy to cook. I probably ate the worst snacks, gorging on everything around, and then ate some yogurt. In the late afternoon, my stomach was just bloated and hurt. Before we left for dinner for Audrey's (Chris' mom) birthday, I just felt so sick. My stomach hurt all throughout dinner, so I hardly ate.
Luckily, the evening wasn't totally miserable. The highlight of our dinner at Pyramids, an egyptian/mediterranean restaurant in town, was when the belly dancer came out. Perhaps it was her jet black long hair, dark eyes and her bright turquoise costume. Or, perhaps it was her bells. Or, perhaps it was just her big boobs. Chase was in love. He had the hugest smile on his face the whole time she danced in between the tables. She noticed him and came right over and put her veil over him. He just oogled her and had this face on him like I've never seen. It was hilarious! We were all laughing. We tipped the gal with dollar bills in her skirt, and she said "You shouldn't tip me! I should be tipping you!" She told us how cute Chase was (and said that we have to have more children) and told us not to leave too soon (even though we were done with dinner). She did a couple more numbers, dancing with a sword balancing on her hips and dancing with her cymbals. Chase just kept focusing on her and smiling as she sashayed her hips in the room. I think we'll have to come back here for his birthday dinner. She just kept coming back to dance for him. His expression was priceless! (And, did I mention that he got a huge kiss from her before we left!)
After we finished dinner, we headed back to the Halsalls for cake and presents, and I headed straight to the bathroom. I've spent more time in a bathroom ever since, throughout the night (even though Chase slept well last night and only woke up once, I was up several times to visit the bathroom!), and so far I've been to the bathroom at least a dozen times today. Chris took Chase up to his parents' again so I could rest and sleep. We cancelled plans with them to go to Mother's Day brunch.
I think I have a little bit of food poisoning from yogurt I ate yesterday. Drinking a lot of water and trying to get it out of my system. I caught up on the phone with Popo and my mom who are spending Mother's Day at the resort rehab hospital as my grandmother recovers from total replacement knee surgery. I just called Chris to come home because, after more than 4-5 hours, I'm getting engorged and need to nurse Chase. I hope I feel better soon. I'm going to have to put Chase's Desitin (for diaper rash, for those of you non-parents) on my behind pretty soon!
Here's Chris chasing Chase at his parents' today, while mommy vegged out at home.
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