Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Little Yoga, A Little Shopping, A Little Jazz, And A Little Sleeping

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Chase, mom, and Gary dropped me off at yoga (since Chase was up at the crack of dawn again, at 5:30 am). I survived 7 am yoga (after having not been in a couple of weeks). Mom and Gary had coffee and took Chase for walk to watch a neighborhood pick up basketball game and drove around before they picked me up from class.

We all went to go drop off the styrofoam containers to the caterers, then Mom and Gary went to exchange their rental car. Chris and I went to the Waikele shopping outlets (since we were halfway there already). I bought a blouse and three shirts for Chase. Had lunch at Zippy's before heading back into town.

We decided to join Mom and Gary and Uncle Frank and listen to some afternoon jazz at Ward Rafter's. I had always heard about it, but had never been myself. It was really neat. This couple opens their home up to the public (basically through word of mouth) each Sunday at 3 pm and showcases different local bands and singers. People bring their own food and beverages (everyone walked in with coolers) and they take donations. It's like an attic turned jazz lounge, with Diamond Head just a hop, skip, and jump away. Chase enjoyed people watching and staring at the guy playing the saxophone. He was fine for about 40 minutes, until the drummer started playing a solo set, and it got too loud. That's when Chase started whimpering and crying. I had forgotten my nursing cloth, so didn't whip it out to nurse him. Though the lady of the house told me I could go downstairs to one of their rooms, we were all tired, so we just decided to leave. By the time we got down the flight of stairs to their driveway, Chase was screaming. I nursed him in the car before we headed home and he fell asleep.

In fact, all three of us slept for a good hour or two. I think we're all still exhausted from yesterday. It's been a busy weekend.

This evening, I cleaned out the fridge and cooked up the raw fish and crab, gave more dessert leftovers away, and arranged to get together with cousin Steph (and Jake and Jas - even though they're just upstairs, we really haven't seen them yet!) and Miya and Taiga this week. We arranged to have a family dinner at Jay and Shelly's this week as well because everyone wants to see their new house. Miya said everyone had a fantastic time at the party. Nicholas enjoyed being an assistant in the magic show and all the boys sang "Happy Birthday" real loud. A good time was had by all. Awesome.

So, it was a success. This past year, I planned a wedding, a funeral, gave birth, and planned a first birthday lu'au. I think I'm done for big events for awhile. That's for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? No pictures yet?