Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Tuesday, 8 July 2008

After a visit to the doctor yesterday to check my swollen wrist, I am now donning a lovely wrist guard on my right hand/forearm. I don't have carpal tunnel, but I did injure my tendon in the wrist, perhaps due to using the computer mouse in a continuous circular motion. The tingling sensation is moving down my forearm as I find it difficult to rest my right hand when carrying Chase, taking him in and out of the carseat, and changing his diaper. It's hard not to use my dominant hand when I have a baby. I cannot spread my fingers wide open or carry anything that puts weight on that hand, otherwise it feels like I'm stretching the muscle out and pulling it. So, I'm probably making it worse, but am taking Motrin three times a day and wearing the brace 24/7. If it doesn't improve in a week or two, I may have to see a hand specialist to see if I tore the tendon.

I'm still trying to go into school and pack up my class and move boxes. Today, I took it easy and organized my desk and files. I need Chris to help me type a lot of the thank you cards because even writing and typing is straining on my hand. I try to avoid Chase jumping and climbing on my arm, but that's pretty much impossible for the monkey boy. We hung out at the mall this afternoon to get out of the 90 degree heat. I let him crawl around on the carpet for awhile, as people commented on his cute crawl (of course he only got one leg dirty), until I got tired of chasing him around and trying to pick him up with my left arm.

He was very active and happy at both our house, Auntie Stevi's and the Halsall's, despite his fall this afternoon with Popsicle as they were playing " Catch Me" up the stairs. Chris' dad tripped up the cement stairs, and they both fell (he was carrying Chase) and Chase hit his head on the cement. But, after his initial cry (more because of shock than because of injury), he was fine. Guess he's just got a hard head...and now, they won't be playing that game anymore!

Chase was so active this afternoon that he went into a laughing fit when Daddy was tickling him after getting home from successfully bike commuting to work. He struggled to get through dinner he was so tired (Chase not Chris) and fell asleep on the changing table before he was put in crib at 7:30 pm.


Teresa said...

I know that mousing might not entirely be the issue but...when Chris (MY Chris) had wrist pain the hand/arm therapist asked if he could use his left hand to mouse. He said"hmmm, I never thought of trying."
Well the pain must've been enough because he bought a new mouse: Kensington TurboBall and the design is such that it made learning to use his left hand not too difficult. He still is faster with his right but he trades off hands to spare himself more pain.

Tanya Mau-Halsall said...

I'm definitely going to check this out because our computer teacher at school says it would help as well! Plus mouse pads and keyboard pads!