Sunday, September 26, 2004

Eating again?!

Sunday, 26 September 2004

Today, P'Pau and her sister, Yope's mother, took us for coffee at the Hello coffee shop near our school. We had our latte frappes and pastries. Yum! Yope's mother asked how much it would cost for me to teach Yope English. (Christy later told me she thinks she is trying to set me and Yope up! I don't think so.) A few people, parents and coworkers are starting to ask if Christy and I can tutor them in English. We haven't made any commitments yet, as our schedule is already so full, we don't want to overload ourselves yet. P'Pau keeps mentioning that she wants to take us to a swimming pool, but we haven't seen it yet. Tonight, they took us out to dinner. I definitely know who to go shopping with now, as P'Pau pulled me into a little jewelry shop, where I bought some gifts for friends and myself, while the store workers commented that they thought I was Thai. Then, we ate prawns, chicken (at Christy's request, we ended up getting chicken in a couple different dishes), noodles, fish, and topped it off with ice cream. During dinner, Christy said, "Look, another farang," as there was another person of non-Asian descent dining at a nearby table. I jokingly asked if they had made eye contact. It's not very often you see a farang in Nakhon Pathom. After cleaning up the plates (Thai people are beginning to realize that Tanya has a rather large appetite and does not like to waste food!), I'll go to bed on a full stomach tonight!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Where DO you put all that food, Tanya! By looking at you it is hard to imagine how thoroughly you'polish off' a meal! Careful on the dating scene in Thailand. I've read on the Rotary International Exchange message boards about dating in other countries and by the sounds of things there is really no such thing as 'casual dating'.