Sunday, October 22, 2006

Family Caregivers Bill

Dear Family Caregivers -

Contact Congress TODAY to help pass a bill which will help Family Caregivers

The Lifespan Respite Care Act would help support, expand and streamline planned and emergency respite, provide recruitment and training, and caregiver training. Respite is the number one need for family caregivers.

The bill authorizes competitive grants to states through Aging and Disability Resource Centers that make quality respite available and accessible to family caregivers, regardless of age or disability.

The House Leadership has pledged to help bring the bill to the floor during the November lame duck session. That means that this bill could be approved during November's National Family Caregivers Month.

To make sure that happens, we urge all family caregivers, and anyone that cares about the lives of family caregivers, to contact their Congressional Representatives immediately.

For your legislator's contact information, visit

Following is a recommended letter to send to your Representative:

November is National Family Caregivers Month. What a perfect opportunity to show your support for the nation's 50 million family caregivers by passing the Lifespan Respite Care Act (HR 3248). We urge the House and Senate leadership to bring the bill to the floor during the lame duck session in November. The bill authorizes competitive grants to states to make quality respite available and accessible to family caregivers, regardless of age, disability, or family situation. Respite, the most frequently requested family support service among the more than 50 million family caregivers nationwide, provides family caregivers with relief necessary to maintain their own health, bolster family stability, keep marriages intact, and avoid or delay much more costly nursing home or foster care placements.

At a time when we are especially constrained by serious budget considerations, we should note the savings inherent in supporting cost-effective services such as respite. By delaying placement in a nursing facility for even one individual with Alzheimer's or other serious chronic conditions for just a few months, thousands of dollars of Medicaid savings alone could potentially be realized. Respite, however, is in short supply or inaccessible for all age groups. In our own state of HAWAII, respite is desperately needed for all family caregivers.

[Fill in with information you may have or personalize it to your own family's needs]

The bill has been successfully reported out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and enjoys tremendous bipartisan support. Do something meaningful for families! Bring the Lifespan Respite Care Act to the floor during National Family Caregiver Month in November.


[Your full name, address and phone number]

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