Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Not A Pretty Picture, I Know

Tuesday, 24 October 2006

The other day, my brother and I were programming our dad's new speech software on his computer. We were putting in "favorite" phrases so that Dad can just click on it with his nose mouse so that the robotic voice can speak the command. Some of our favorites are "Get the pisser before I pee in my pants" , "Get the commode so I can sit on the throne", and "Get the makapiapia out of my eye" (which I had to program as "mahkahpeeahpeeah" as the software doesn't know Hawaiian words). Today, I think I need to input another one..."Rub my belly please" and "I'm so constipated I can smell the s*** coming out of my ass." Yes, sorry, it's a graphic statement. But, when you caregive for someone, you become pretty much immune to it. Still manages to be funny though.

Especially the "kerplunk" moments later (after rubbing the buddha's belly) and the biggest smile and sigh of relief I've ever seen in a long while.

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