Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday to Chase! Hope all of you are spending quality time and giving thanks for good health, good family, and good friends. We will be heading to the Halsalls' soon (and then to the Hyatt to "hunt and gather" our turkey dinner...The boys will go of course. They only have one bullet, so they better know what they're doing. Ready to go meals that are loaded into the car are hard to come by these days.). Here's Chase playing with Daddy's favorite G.I. Joe toy. He likes putting the guy on the stand and putting the gun in the guy's hand.
Things He's Into These Days:
* Drinking whole milk from a bottle! (He enjoys milk more than water these days. Last week he went through one whole gallon jug of milk from Costco...in just 7 days!)
* Putting things into containers (wow, maybe he'll be organized and anal-retentive!). He gets really frustrated if he can't take all the crayons out and put them all back into the box. He'd much rather do this than actually color with the crayons. He also still likes putting rocks into bowls, putting lids on their appropriate containers, and trying to fit containers into other containers, putting shoes in their shelves, etc.
* Reading, reading, reading (We have books in his crib, books all over the house, books in the car, & books in his stroller.)
* Finding the littlest things: He'll always find the tiniest piece of lint on the ground, or the littlest rock, or the tiniest bug or truck in a picture of a book and point to it. He's very observant and has attention to detail, that's for sure.
* Pointing (He points to things when he wants something, and usually says, "Yes?".)
* Running and jumping and climbing and sliding (He now climbs up and down all our furniture without help, and he can climb the stairs without holding onto a railing or holding onto someone's hand. He also loves going down slides on his tummy.)
* Spinning round and round in circles (He loves "Ring Around The Rosy.")
* Building towers and stacking blocks, then trying to carry them around while balancing them
* Dancing (The boy's got rhythm. He'll start dancing if he hears music, whether it be music from a book or the radio. The boy likes to move!)
* Putting things behind things. He loves putting his toys behind the gate (and then asking me to get them for him) or putting things behind the couch.
* When I ask him, "Where's your nose?" or "Where's your head?", he points to the correct body part. He knows his eyes, head, ears, nose, mouth, hands, and toes. He also likes singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" with Mommy and Daddy.
* Mimicking what we say and our sounds. Every time I open the sticky front door, he grunts like I do and laughs. I even said "Oh damn!" the other day when I dropped something, and he copied what I said. Gotta watch what comes out of our mouths!
His Favorite Books:
* Five Little Monkeys: When I read, "Five little monkeys jumped on the bed..." he'll make a jumping, bouncing motion with his body. Then, I'll say, "One fell off and bumped his head" and he'll hit his head gently with his hand. I'll get to the part where Mama calls the doctor and the doctor says, then he'll go "No, no, no, no, no". It's really cute to see him interact with the book and understand what we're reading.
* Pop-up Books
* Little People books. These books have a lot going on, but he enjoys all the action. He likes looking at details. He'll find the tiniest bug or smiley face on the spine of the book and point to the same one on the back of the book. Or he'll find the little tractor in the background of the page. He likes finding the little things in the pictures.
Things He HATES:
* Having stuff on his hands. If he gets rice on his hands, he'll go, "Eh, eh, eh" and motion for you to clean his hands. The other day, he had a strand of hair stuck to his hand. He'll get sand stuck to his hands. He'll fuss until you clean his hands. Since when did he turn OCD?
Words He Says:
* This
* Daddy (with the emphasis on the second syllable...."Da-deeee")
* Yes?
* Down
* Done
* No
* Wow! (with inflection and expression)
* Whoa! (I think I must say this a lot.)
* Bark (when he sees a dog in a book or in person, he always says, "Bark, Bark")
* Moo (when he sees a cow in a book - though it sounds just like "Mmmm"/And if I ask, "What animal says "Moo"?, he points to a cow.)
* Hooray! (He says it when we're singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" and raises his arms towards the ceiling.)
Sounds He Repeats In His Babbling/Talking:
* Dugga, Dugga, Dugga (He must just like playing with his tongue.)
This is a really fun age. Chase understands everything and is so much fun! Plus, now that he sleeps through the night for 12 hours at a time, we can enjoy our dinner and a Blockbuster movie night uninterrupted (most of the time). On this day, we give thanks for having a healthy, funny, and very happy boy. My Uncle Jimmy called this morning to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving, and he remarked on how Chase looks like my father when he was a baby. That makes me smile, and I hope my dad is smiling down on us as well.
Here's the Thanksgiving dinner spread (compliments of the ready -to-meal from the Hyatt hotel, Chase playing with his vintage McDonald's plate (a.k.a. Chris' old plate), Chase frustrated because I'm taking a photo rather than reading his favorite drawing book, and Chase taking a bath after Thanksgiving dinner).
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