Wednesday, 19 November 2008
After work, I picked Chase up at the sitter's and went back to school for a staff meeting. I don't usually attend staff meetings (since they're after my work hours and I don't get paid to go) but they said this one was an important one. I missed half of the meeting, but found out later that our principal (who has been on sick leave since the second week of school) is no longer going to be our principal. He was going to retire, and now he took a job as the director of Human Resources or something. So, now we're still on the hunt for a principal. The rest of the meeting was filled with less-than-encouraging discussions on budget cuts for next school year.
A few of us teachers went to the mall to hang out and talk outside Jamba Juice. We managed to just talk about personal stuff rather than school stuff, though my friend and I spent a lot of the time preventing Chase from running towards the parking lot (since we were outside) and throwing his ball into the bushes. He had fun running away from me, throwing his ball into mall-goers' paths, and jumping into the pretty bushes to fetch his ball. My friends quickly figured out why his "Kolohe" shirt he was wearing seemed more appropriate now. We noshed on pretzel bites and a Groovy Guava Jamba Juice. He drank about 11 ounces of milk prior to all this running and activity. So, when we went into Whole Foods later, he started coughing and threw up all over me and himself. It was nasty. He has never puked like that before.
I quickly called Chris (who was going to meet us at the mall because we were going to go visit friends with their new baby) and told him that we would need to come home first to bathe. I undressed Chase out of his puky shirt and shorts before putting him in his carseat. I tried to lay the dry parts on my shirt, so I wouldn't get puke all over the seatbelt. Then, we quickly drove home so we could get refreshed.
Once we were all cleaned up, we headed to Jared and Korin's house to visit baby Noah, who is only a couple weeks old. It was so neat to hold a tiny baby again. I forgot how little and light they are! And, so calm. This baby just slept while I held him and we all talked baby stuff. Chase wanted to climb all over the place to see him, but was more interested in Baby Noah's exersaucer and toys (which he won't be using for awhile, I informed the new parents.) It was fun. We took lots of pictures and went home to feed Chase and put him to bed.
Lesson learned: Don't let Chase run and play all crazy wild after he downs 11 ounces of milk and eats a whole cup full of pretzels. He HAD a really full tummy!
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