Monday, 17 November 2008
Gotta have a crazy Monday to start off the week. It has just been one of those days. We started training Brenda to replace the almost 37 week pregnant Christina, my part-time teaching assistant for the ELL program. Though I'm sad to see Christina go, I know she's checking out about now, and needs some R&R before her baby boy arrives. Usually I finish work at 1 pm and take my time prepping stuff for the next day and picking up Chase. But, I forgot I was going to go visit another elementary school to check out their computer programs for a 17 page grant I recently wrote. So, off we went. We stopped at Zippy's for a 20 minute lunch, then I had to head home to meet Divina from the ALS Support Group. She just posted a new blog for our group (, but was having some technical layout issues, so she came over to the house to get some quick tips. We struggled through some of our own technical issues a bit, then finally got a few things figured out within an hour or so. Next, it was off in the rain to pick up Chase, trying to beat the clock so I would get there before 4 pm. I probably got there at 3:59 pm, the last parent to pick up her child.
It's a good thing I brought Chase a bottle of milk because he tanked it before we even pulled out of the driveway. I had to head to Costco in the rain to get groceries. We ran into the Halsalls, which was a pleasant surprise. Of course, they had to stop and read to him between carts (and we ended up purchasing a few books, because those are always good distractions for Chase). I was worried about toting Chase and the groceries down 80 stairs in the pouring rain by myself, so I tried to load the car quickly. As soon as I got everything loaded, then shook him clean of the layers of cracker crumbs and noodles and apple crisps (thanks to free samples from Costco!), we were off....
Well, almost. He started screaming and pointing to his empty bottle of milk. So, with the engine running, I had to look for the gallon jug of milk I just purchased and fill his bottle up (and of course, the jug was at the BOTTOM of all the groceries.) Chase tanked it down before we got to the second stoplight (but at least we got out the driveway this time). So, we're heading down Kalanianaole Highway, with a screaming baby. I told him he'd have to wait because we're almost home. Of course, "we're almost home" is kind of a lie because now it's commute traffic hour and it's raining, so the roads are quite busy. A few more traffic lights, and I just pull into a 7-Eleven so that I can pour him another bottle of milk (Thank goodness there's a whole gallon jug.) I told him that after this bottle, he has to wait until we get home. Yet again, he drinks that bottle, and starts screaming again. What does he do this time? Chase throws his bottle. I scold him and tell him "Oh well. No more milk because you threw your bottle." But then I get visions of spilled milk all over the car. So I pull on the side of the highway, where there's not much of a shoulder, and put my hazards on, to look for the bottle. Of course the bottle is upside down dripping on stuff. But, I think he drank most of it. (And yes, I've learned that I need to start carrying a bigger bottle now that Chase is into drinking from a bottle. This is all still new to me, this bottle/cup stuff.)
So, after cleaning everything up, I put that bottle away and offer him water. But, no. He screams. So, I tell him. "Well you're just going to have to scream all the way home." And, he did. (He was also tired though because he didn't have a second nap, so I figured part of this "tantrum" was from being cranky, and soon enough, he would fall asleep.) And wouldn't you know it? Just as we pull into the driveway at home, he STARTS to fall asleep.
But this is not good because it's pouring out. I have to figure out how to put a sleepy baby into my carrier in the rain. Then gather all the perishable groceries (Chris can get the rest when he gets home tonight), and attempt to carry them down 80 plus slippery stairs. Of course... Chase wakes up during all of this.
We walked in the door close to 6 pm. The next hour was filled with more screaming and tantrums. Chase didn't want to eat. As I tried to put groceries away, cook, and feed Chase at the same time, Chase proceeded to throw most of his food on the ground. I let him play for a little bit. That helped, until he realized that I was still cooking and not playing with him. So, he started bringing all of his toys and books and pillows into the kitchen, which was just not going to work. He tried to eat again in his highchair. I sat his crazy orange guy near him so he could be near him. Chase was eating noodles and started to feed orange guy the noodles. He started to get frustrated because this orange stuffed animal was not responding to his offer. I told him, "Chase, the orange guy does not want noodles." He threw noodles on the floor, and hit crazy orange guy on the floor, at which point crazy orange guy started breaking out into hysteric laughter as he does when you bonk him (I'll have to put a video of him on here one day...He really is a crazy orange stuffed thing.)
Finally, when dinner was ready (because I was famished and beginning to lose it myself), I sat down to eat with him. He was still more interested in playing. I gave him crayons to play with. He was content for about 5 minutes, until he realized that he could not fit 2 big crayons into the already full crayon box. He started getting really frustrated and impatient. He didn't want my help, and he was determined to fit those crayons in the box. He screamed and cried and grit his teeth. Stubborn child I tell you. I know my dad is smiling because this is just the sweetest revenge. (I used to have horrible tantrums when I was younger, and both Chris and I are stubborn.)
Soon enough, both crayons and food were all over the floor. So now the dining room and kitchen were a mess. I told him, that's it. We're done. Straight to the bath. But, first he had to pee all over the changing table, once I took his diaper off, and started laughing. Troublemaker, I tell you.
He thoroughly enjoyed his bath time. We sang our ABC's, "If You're Happy and You Know It" (and he really enjoyed stomping and raising his arms and saying "Oo ay!" (Hooray), and read books. He also tried to climb up the bath walls, stretching his legs into some pretty funny positions. He tried chewing on the bath faucet as well. He was happy and smiling, and near the end, gave me three big hugs. I think he just missed me all day (and he's REALLY tired).
I lay him down in his crib, told him "Goodnight. I love you," and he sucked on his blanket and went straight to bed. No wimper. No nothing. Out.
Which will be me in about half an hour (Oh, and did I mention that Aunty Flo stopped by for a visit today?). It was just one of those days..... just a cranky, crazy, wet Monday. I just told Chris the story of my day, and he gave me a big hug and laughed. Yeah, have fun cleaning up the mess, buddy.
1 comment:
Oh Tanya! This is the funniest, 'frazzled mommy' post. Oh, some day you'll be laughing; but I'll bet you weren't when you pulled over on the side of the highway in the rain!
By the way, the comment moderation word for this post is the best I've seen: butrag !
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