Monday, February 28, 2005

Top Awards 2004

Tuesday, 16 February 2005

I went with P'Nice, Aw, and Tik to the Top Awards 2004 show in Bangkok. It's like our Academy Awards, yet these stars in Thailand are so accessible. We rode a bus in after school, caught a taxi to the hall, and got out right as other movie stars were arriving in their cars. There was press and media there, but there were spectators like us as well. We took pictures, and all of the actors and former Ms. Thailands were so gracious. One actor got a phone call on his cell just before I asked him to take a picture, and he put his call on hold just so he could pose for a picture. We stood in the lobby area waiting for people to come out as they won their awards on the live show. During interviews, actors would stop to take pictures with people too. Afterwards, we got to eat fancy hors' doerves with the actors and and of course, take many more pictures. The girls were so ecstatic to be there, pulling me every which way when they noticed their favorite actor or singer. It was quite hilarious! We caught the last bus back to Nakhon Pathom and got back by midnight, on a school night! They were still on a high the next day and wanted to develop photos right away!

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