Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"The Inside of Me"

A man named David who lost his battle to ALS on Monday, 12/4/06 and "earned his wings" as they call it on the "Living with ALS" chat room, had this poem on his website:

The Inside of Me by pb Hill

"When I look into the mirror, I see the same eyes,
But I see an outside me that's like a disguise.
Still I cannot fight what other eyes see,
What I've always been is still inside of me.

I can't speak my thoughts, like I did before,
Though I think the same way, maybe now even more.
Nothing has changed from my point-of-view,
Even if I can't do things like I used to do.

Something wicked is defeating my age,
And I don't have the strength to express my rage.
Nevertheless, my brain is okay,
As my body gets weaker and weaker each day.

I wish you'd remember me the way that I was,
When I lived my life like everyone does.
Don't talk to me like I'm just a tot;
My body is sick. My inside is not.

I'm feeling alone here while I'm sick,
But even now I like a good flick.
Bring one by to watch it with me,
Or we could just sit and watch some TV.

Maybe you could read some Scripture aloud.
By comforting me, I know God would be proud.
I need you, Friend, though I cannot ask,
For this illness is such a challenging task.

Please rest assured, I don't have the plague.
Tell me your memories of me aren't that vague.
The outside is different; I know what you see,
But I'm still the same on the inside of me."

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