Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Monday, 25 December 2006

Woke up and opened all of my gifts. Then, we went to Chris' house to visit with his parents and wish them a Merry Christmas. We would return later for the festivities. Chris and I went to meet my dad, stepmom and rest of her family at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel. We stuffed ourselves with the buffet, waffles, omelets, salad bar, seafood, prime rib, ham, and dessert. My step-uncle was performing the entertainment with his Hawaiian group. It was a nice relaxing time.
After I gave Dad my gift of the family photo album I made on Shuttefly, we left around 2:30 pm.

The rest of the afternoon was spent resting, wrapping gifts, and visiting with Chris' best friend Vince who came to exchange gifts. Chris' mom made pork tenderloin for dinner and we had a nice dinner before getting into our stockings and passing around the gifts. The gift-opening at the Halsall's consists of taking turns opening each gift, and trying to figure out what's inside Chris' creative masking tape wrapping job. The surprises of the evening were the plastic cup that Chris' dad had to figure out how to fold so that it would be functional and the table that stumped his mom. His family was very generous to me, as was Chris, who surprised me with a new digital camera (since mine has been on the fritz lately). It was a long weekend, and by 11 pm, we were exhausted! And, I don't even think we got around to opening all the gifts!

It was nice to spend time with family this weekend, and I hope all of you got to spend time with yours as well. Merry Christmas!

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