Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Baby Chase on YouTube

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

My mom left for California this morning. She was such a big help in getting the house in order and helping us take care of Chase. It was sad to see her go. We'll have to make a family visit to California soon so Chase can meet all his other relatives.

I dropped Chase off at Chris' parents so that I could go to my OB checkup. Everything went fine. I've lost nearly 20 pounds since delivery, am healing fine, and I need to hold off on exercise for about 4 more weeks. I visited Taiga afterwards. Looks like he is doing better. Although he is still fighting pneumonia and they still do not know the root cause of his illness, he is on a regular ventilator, and he was awake when I was there. I held his hands (as he tried to pull the tubes and cords out) as Miya cut his fingernails and we caught up on life with our babies over the past week.

Did some errands before heading back to the Halsalls to hang out and change Chase before bringing him home. They didn't want to give him back! I'm starting to feed on demand more rather than following a schedule, though Chase still eats every three hours or so.

Watch this cute impromptu video of Chase and daddy Chris singing. We're always looking at his cute little hands and feet. Daddy had fun playing with him. The lighting is bad because we were trying to put him to sleep, but Chase's expressions are priceless! And the singing...well, you'll just have to judge for yourself.

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