Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Making Bigger Steps

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Today was definitely a day for making big steps. We took Chase to the doctor today to have the pediatrician examine him for reflux. He agreed Chase's spitting up is probably an issue, but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would require major intervention. He is a gassy baby, which is probably contributing to a lot of his fussiness. The most exciting thing was that he weighed in at 8 lbs. 9 oz., so he's doubled his weight since birth! Dr. Sia was rather surprised and happy (saying he's already going off the charts for a normal baby's growth, so he's not even going to adjust it for his premature age), confirming even more so that his reflux is nothing to be worried about. We'll just have to keep burp cloths handy and keep doing laundry everyday and watch out for those projectile vomits! He gave us some advice on what we can do to help with his gas, but other than that he's doing great, and we'll see him again in a couple of weeks for his two month checkup.

Because I was so happy and thought Chase and I deserved a treat (we must be treating ourselves a lot lately because we just received our brand new 20 inch IMac in the mail yesterday as well!), I went to the Baby AWEARness store in Manoa Marketplace and bought a Beco baby carrier for us. Yes, after my weeks of research on the internet and local baby stores and talking to a mom/salesperson today in the store (who said she owns the Ergo baby carrier, ring slings, and pouches, but likes the Beco the best), I decided to go ahead with the Beco. The clincher was when (after nursing him in the store), she suggested I try him in the Beco, and seconds after putting him in a front carry, he immediately fell asleep! That never happens in the carseat or the bassinet for sure! And this carrier can last from newborn to toddler, for front, hip, or back carrying.

Once I got home, I was going to do a load of laundry, but I put him in the Beco again to try it on, and he fell asleep again! Now I can walk around the house, hands-free, and I can even type with two hands! Very nice! I'm happy with my purchase (which was actually purchased by using gift money, so thanks Aunty Shelley and Popo...I'll put a picture up soon so you can see what you bought me!) Besides, it looks really cute too! Chris will be amazed that I finally bought something after talking about it for so long.

Now I can finally take bigger steps up and down our 85 stairs, with baby and all!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

What an astounding growth spurt! He's going to be an athlete for sure!