Monday, October 27, 2008

Chase is 16 Months Old!

Monday, 27 October 2008

Chase got a happy report from Aunty Susie's daycare today. He went down for his nap easier today (less crying), and she said that everytime she looked at him, he reminded her of her new hapa (half Caucasian/half Asian) grandson who has such a good disposition like Chase.

Though he has been sick a lot this past month (no swimming and water play outside in over a month now!), with 2 ear infections, a cough, and 2 rounds of antibiotics, he has managed to keep his smile most of the time.

Chase's Latest Things:

* Still breastfeeding (yeah, the illnesses have really interrupted our weaning process)
* Dancing & Clapping his hands
* Wearing shoes (whenever he's ready to go somewhere, he brings us his shoes and sticks his feet out so we can put them on him)
* Throwing tantrums (uh-oh....Could this be a sign of the "Terrible Two's"?? Especially this week, he's been throwing a fit when he doesn't get his way or something he wants)
* Sleeping 12 hours each night (all the way through...It's a dream really...Amazing. Makes me actually not mind the tantrums so much because I am not so tired to deal with them. I can actually clean up, have "Me Time", watch a movie with Chris, AND check email/blog BEFORE I go to bed at a decent hour when Chase goes to bed so early (Since returning from California, he's pushed up his bedtime to 6:30 - 7 pm.)
* Mimicking with detail: He's always mimicked our actions and routines - brushing hair, reading newspaper/magazines, using the remote control, dancing, etc. - But, now he's starting to pay attention to more detail. He'll mimick the little sounds I make to imitate an animal (saying "Mmmmm" for "Moo" and "Buh Buh" for "Baaa" and "ticka ticka ticka" for a gecko crawling on the glass).
* Rolling his tongue (He likes trying to copy me when I roll my tongue. Since Daddy can't do it, I wanted to see if Chase got the genetic trait. Sure enough he did, though he can roll his fancier than I can.)
* Putting things in things - transferring objects from one container to another - and twisting lids/covers on and off things
* Saying "Yes", and really enunciating that "s" at the end. He used to just say "Yeah" all the time. The other day I asked him if he wanted to go home, and he replied, "Yesss". I turned around and asked, "What did you say?". Ever since he's been enunciating his "s"s, and it's really cute.

He's still a very happy-go-lucky kid, but I've noticed that he's definitely got Mommy & Daddy's stubborn temper and Mommy's frustration with perfectionism. If he can't fit a block into a toy or its correct space, he'll get really frustrated and just fling it across the room. He's not doing his signs, like "All done", as much anymore. So, it's hard to communicate with him. When he gets frustrated trying to communicate something he wants, he starts freaking out.

Chase has got almost a full set of teeth (He's going to visit a pediatric dentist for the very first time tomorrow!), loves smiling, laughing, and dancing, and still has an appetite like his Mommy!

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