Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Dentist Visit

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Chase had an excellent first visit with a pediatric dentist today. Though we got a list of recommended dentists from our doctor, we chose Dr. Emily Bordner because Chris and I both worked with her as Summer Fun leaders when we were in college. Plus, she got some good reviews from other Honolulu Mommies. So, we went to see her today. Chase wasn't quite sure what the whole thing was about and who these strange people were, so he sat on my lap in the dentist chair.

As soon as she reclined us in the chair, he looked up towards the ceiling and saw Curious George on the TV overhead. He was entranced! He opened his mouth while Dr. Bordner looked at his teeth. He didn't even move. She said, "Well I usually don't clean teeth at this age, but hey, let's try." So, she proceeded to brush his teeth, and he still didn't move. He was so good! She said his teeth look fine, but to try to brush them after middle-of-the-night feedings. He's just waiting for his canines to come in, and he should have his full set of teeth. Since he got his teeth early, he may lose his teeth earlier. But, everything looks good!

They took his picture and we left with a postcard of his first dentist visit, along with a new toothbrush, which he just loves of course.

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