Thursday, October 23, 2008

Taking Care of The Boys

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Chris stayed home from work today, and I made him an appointment to see a doctor. He never skips work, and he never sees doctors, so he must be really sick. By the afternoon, he was on an IV for dehydration, and he was given a lot of medication. Turns out he's got the flu.

Chase felt miserable today. After I picked him up from the Halsalls, he was just glued to me like an 'opihi (limpet). He nursed all afternoon. When he wasn't nursing, he was screaming inconsolably. I think his ears really hurt. Poor thing. He read a few books and played in handfuls of rice during dinner before playing in the bath. He did laugh and smile a bit tracking the geckos crawling on the window jealousies. He would copy me and say "Tick, tick, tick" and stick out his tongue to show how they eat bugs. During the chaos, I managed to cook a huge pot of homemade chicken noodle soup. But, again, it's 8 pm, the house is quiet, the sick boys are asleep, and I have a nice quiet meal to myself.

Guess it's time for "Grey's Anatomy."

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