Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Friday, 31 October 2008

I managed to catch glimpses of the Halloween parade at my school while I was holed up in my classroom writing a grant. Some kids couldn't figure out what I was dressed up as today, while others said I looked too nice as a pirate. Chase was the only one at daycare who wore his costume for half an hour without ripping it off. He came home with a bunch of goodies - much more than I would have thought a one year old would get for Halloween.

Tonight, we dropped him off at Kahala Mall with the Halsalls so that we could go out. We figured he's too young to understand Halloween yet. Chris and I went as pirates again and headed to the Honolulu Academy of Arts for their annual Halloween party/Art After Dark. We met friends there, ate, walked through museums, and danced. We saw two Juno couples. That was cute, especially since we just watched the movie last week. It wasn't too late of a night. Our "Incredible Hulk" was fast asleep by the time we picked him up. For a one year old who didn't go trick or treating, Chase sure did end up with a lot of candy! And, he stayed asleep until 7:30 am the next morning!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Great photos! I especially love the Jelly fish.