Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Loi Kratong Rehearsal and Festivities

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

Today, P'Aut arranged for our English Program class to go record our song, "Over in the Meadow" for Friday's performance at Ong Phra (the chedi). We went to a studio in a nearby Buddhist village. A little strange to drive out to this quiet village and see a full fledged recording studio with the latest equipment in a room on the top floor. This peformance has been a huge deal, as all performances are huge deals in Thailand. It's all about the image (how students look, the fancy costumes they wear), and the principal has changed the bell schedule for the entire month of November so that the students can practice for 2 hours everyday. Christy and I have opted to stick with our schedule, thinking we cannot possibly have the kids sing the same song for 2 hours straight, but have still been fitting in practice time. The students are singing this English song, dressed up as different animals, and doing actions for the audience.

P'Aut was concerned that the voices of eight children may not carry out far on Friday night, so she wanted us to record this backgroun music. This has been Christy's big project (mainly because she teaches English, and also because I am not going to be there for the performance). We spent an hour trying to record the song, and then headed to a parade in our town to see our school band and other schools represent their school in cheer, song, and traditional costumes. It was a nice event, especially because I am going to miss the big Loi Kratong day on Friday.

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