Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Stuck in Tokyo-Narita Airport

Wednesday, 1 December 2004

After about 9 hours of flying from Hawai'i to Tokyo, I find out my flight has been delayed many hours. So, I am told I get a free meal sometime during the next 7 hours I will be in the airport, and my new flight will leave at 10:25 pm. I will arrive in Bangkok now at 2:30 am!

So, I am checking email, trying to contact my student's family who were supposed to pick me up, and going to walk around, read, and pass time in the airport. As if my time schedule wasn't already screwed up....Uggghhhh!

1 comment:

Anna Rae said...

Tanya- I got your package today! Thank you SO MUCH!!! The purse is absolutely amazing, its so cute. And i was so surprised. I was expecting a package frommy parents and i saw one from you instead, a huge shock. And then I got my parents one too, which is great because my mom kept worrying it wasn't going to make it because she sent wine and marked it as vinigar. Anyway, thanks again, I'll write you a letter and thank you properly too!