Sunday, February 03, 2008

The 7th Month Review

Sunday, 3 February 2008

After looking at my "Baby's First Year" book and realizing that I haven't written anything in it yet, I thought I'd reflect on how far Chase has come and where he is at now. Call it milestones....It has been a journey so far, but he is definitely becoming more fun and interactive these days! Here are some things he's doing now that he is 7 months old:

1. Trying to be a multitasker (unlike most males), Chase is good at eating poi, trying to suck his thumb, pooping in his pants, grabbing the spoon or the bowl, and rhythmically kicking the chair with the heel of his foot simultaneously.

2. Sits up on his own real well (though if he falls down, he has trouble getting back up on his own), and still prefers to scoot on his back rather than on his tummy, which makes for a peculiar-looking breakdancing scene.

3. Can pick up a ball with one hand and switch it from hand to hand. Practicing his b-ball skills already.

4. Can flip over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy and do pushups.

5. Can play on the floor and entertain himself for an hour without complaining (but enjoys it more when there are other kiddos to look at and play with).

6. Enjoys standing and bouncing and jumping on your lap or on the floor.

7. If he cannot reach something with his hands, he tries to grab things and play with things using his toes. What else are you supposed to do with those prehensile, monkey toes?! And he grabs EVERYTHING, from hair to skin to sippy cups...basically anything and everything in his reach! (He still has a need to hold onto things with both hands as he nurses.)

8. Does he sleep through the night? Well, that depends on how you look at it. He still gets up about 2 to 4 times to nurse each night. So, yes, Mommy is getting up for sure.

9. Still a spit-up baby, Chase spits up what looks like cupfuls of milk when he coughs or after he's been playing. Pediatrician says he'll grow out of this reflux...eventually. In the meantime, we're used to having lots of changes of clothes and burp cloths handy.

10. Chase is VERY ticklish, all over his body, and loves to laugh at his goofy parents (He is easily amused). His laugh is hilarious!

11. Finally, Chase is pooping on a more regular basis (probably from all the solid foods he is eating...He loves his poi and pears the most!). Never thought I'd be so concerned about examining the color, consistency, and frequency of poop before. But, become a parent, and there it is.

Ah, the joys of parenting!

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