Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Vocal Baby

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Dropped Chase off a little bit earlier at Miya's this morning since I had a meeting with a parent at school. When I picked up Chase this afternoon, she said he had a really exciting day - all verbal and scooting around on his back on the floor while Taiga had speech therapy at the house. Yes, our son is trying to crawl on his back. He prefers the back to the tummy and can actually go quite far, kicking off with his feet. This is probably why he is still sporting a toupee-type hairstyle, because there is a bald spot on the back of his head.

We went home so I could eat lunch, and then I took Chase back to school so that I could attend a staff meeting. I don't always go to staff meetings, but sometimes I like to go to be in the loop. He was very good and just sat on my lap the whole hour, looking around at everyone. The computer teacher set up an aquarium setting so that Chase could look at it. He immediately went for the keyboard because he loves tapping on the the keys, mimicking how I do at home. He was held by a few teachers and we chatted about him after the meeting.

Chase now mimics everything we do, from opening his mouth and chomping his gums, like we do when we eat, to wanting to use the remote controls and flipping the pages to books and magazines.

We went to the Halsalls' house for dinner tonight, and they had a blast playing with Chase. He was super animated, vocal, ate, played, laughed and had fun hitting towers of blocks over.

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