Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Boys' Day!

Monday, 5 May 2008

Chase had many firsts for this Happy Boys' Day today. As we walked upstairs this morning, I noticed that Chris had hung up Chase's first Boys' Day flag, a black koi for Chase, and a huge black skull flag for Daddy. Such a crazy sight to come walking down the stairs and see a huge black skull flag in front of your face...Woo hoo!

Among his firsts today, Chase showed Nana and mommy that he's not afraid to let go and stand on his own. He did it in the bathtub today too. He stayed up for at least 10 - 15 seconds on his own two feet! Pretty soon, he's gonna be walking, I tell ya!

This afternoon, I was in another room, and he came following after me. I heard him stop in the hallway, and he was real quiet. Next thing, I see him, and he is foaming at the mouth with drool. WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR MOUTH?! I put my fingers in his mouth and pull out one of those little black millipedes that crawl all over our ceilings and floors and curl up. He was crunching away on it. Yes, today, Chase ate his first bug.

Chase and I went to a quick birthday dinner party for Mason tonight. I didn't want Chase to get overstimulated again like he was last night (hence he was up every two hours screaming last night), and because there were so many kids and toddlers and babies around, the house was chaotic and noisy. I nursed Chase in a quiet room around 8 pm, tried to walk him down the block away from the noise, and then left soon thereafter. He fell asleep during the car ride home and I easily put him in the crib (Good thing I bathed him before we went to the party!). We didn't even stay for cake or opening presents, but that's okay. He'll have many birthday parties in the future I'm sure.

A flag, a bug, and a quick birthday party is enough celebration for one day. Boys will be boys!

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