Saturday, October 02, 2004

What's with all the eggs?

Sunday, 3 October 2004

This afternoon, we are checking email and the internet in the English Program office, and our worker P'Thoy points out these trucks that are delivering boxes to the auditorium. We take a closer look and notice that they are unloading about 4 truck loads of boxes of eggs. There must be a few hundred boxes of eggs there! We aren't quite sure what they are for, and so Christy decides to call Ku Ai to ask about them, just because it is a bizarre thing. He explains that there is a political candidate running for office and that he is using our auditorium at 6 pm tonight to meet and greet folks and give them eggs as a thank you for coming. We think, oh, alright. Then we continue to work. About half an hour later, another worker comes by and hands us a handwritten note. It is from Ajarn Ong-Ard, our principal, who lives on the other campus a couple blocks away. I burst out laughing when I read the note. This is exactly what it said:

"Ajarn Christy and Ajarn Tanya,
I would like to explain a little bit about the eggs that someone puts them in the auditorium. A man who is the candidate for the house of representatives; he is campaigning (to get votes) to the people in this area (near school) to give them eggs in order to get votes from them. The election will be in January 2005. This man's father was B.W.S. old student. He called me on Friday to use our auditorium to meet the people. Satit will stay around until the meeting is over.

I thought it was quite humorous that Ong-Ard felt he had to explain the situation again. It's not as if we were inconvenienced by the eggs. We just were curious. And, perhaps if we stick around, we'll just have to take some home so we don't have to go the market for awhile.

1 comment:

Anna Rae said...

Thats so funny! I've never heard of giving eggs out to try to convince people to vote for you- but do whatever it takes I guess! I've finally started running too, its hard because I live on the side of a mountain. I run for a half an hour and don't get nearly as far as I would in my own neighborhood for the same length of time. Partly because I keep running down dead ends! The european layout is quite crazy.