Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Poor Little One

Wednesday, 30 March 2005

Summer school has been going well...When you only have the students for an hour and a half, the lesson goes by fast....especially, when I'm supposed to have a Thai teaching assistant, but I don't as we're short staffed, so I'm putting my Thai speaking abilities in action.

But, oh, the poor little ones! First I had 7 second and third graders (mostly girls), who don't know much English, but are catching on fast, and love all the songs. It's strange because Keisha has mostly fifth and sixth graders, but they're mostly boys. Then, yesterday, Ink shows up. Ink is this cute little four year old kindergartner (K2 as they call it here). He was a bit shy and clung to his mom, like most young 'uns do when they're coming to school for the first time. I brought out puppets, and Matt and I tried to entertain him. He wasn't too interested, but then came into the classroom. His mom tried to slip away, and he immediately went into hysterics, crying and screaming at the top of his lungs! He ran to her, and I told her it was okay if she came in and sat with him a little bit (especially because there were no other kindergartners in my class). So, she did and he was fine for awhile, but then she tried to slip away again, and when he turned to look for her, he went into hysterics again!

I tried to sing louder and louder with the kids on the carpet as Matt tried to coddle poor little Ink. Matt was very helpful as she could communicate with him in Thai. But, even with our songs and play, Ink was only slightly interested. I figured with time, he'd come around. Only, about ten minutes later, mom peered in the window, and off Ink went straight for the door. They didn't come back, and turns out, mom decided to switch him to a Thai instructed class instead, where there are other kindergartners as well.

Today, two more kindergartners came, but they seem like they'll adjust better. Sea and Ping Pong (I think I should write a book on cute Thai nicknames!).....Sea is interested in everything, and he tries to mimic words and phrases, but is definitely squirrely, as I practically had to hold him and follow him around when we played a "What's this?" (Reading the Room) game today.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Those nicknames are just great! I can only imagine the stories that attach the names to the child. I have a few in my classroom that are canidates for Ping Pong!