Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Weekend of Relaxation

Sunday, 13 November 2005

It was a nice long weekend of relaxation. Friday, after yoga, I helped Miya's mom prepare and clean the house for Miya's arrival home from the hospital. Since they were in the process of moving before she left for the hospital, the house was quite a mess. I helped put things away and get her essentials out to make her more comfortable. Other family members waited for her to arrive. It was an emotional day for her, as she was upset she couldn't bring Taiga home with her. The baby is still being monitored in the ICU and has a feeding tube. I let her rest and went out for the evening.

Had a nice evening with Chris, who took me to eat Italian food and then see the Honolulu Symphony. He was quite the charming gentleman, bringing me flowers and opening my door..Can't say I'm quite used to all the chivalry. My dog Kaliko thought she was going with us as she tried to hop in the truck when he came to pick me up. Either that, or she was just being protective. We went out again tonight, to eat some Japanese curry at The Curry House and see "Capote", a movie I've wanted to see about the author Truman Capote who wrote In Cold Blood.

Saturday, I laid out on the beach all day, reading education books and catching up on the phone with friends from Seattle. That night, went out with Erica and her friends to celebrate her 28th birthday. We had an awesome dinner at a funky Japanese restaurant called Shoduko and then went out dancing at Ocean's afterwards.

It was a fun, relaxing weekend. So relaxing that I even skipped yoga! My body may regret that tomorrow!

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