Saturday, November 05, 2005

Yoga Competition

Sunday, 6 November 2005

It's all about posture, technique, precision in holding your leg at a ninety degree angle while balancing on the other foot, elongating your spine so that you can touch your forehead to your toes, demonstrating advanced poses, and switching from one posture to the next within a time limit of a few minutes.

Today, after morning yoga, I went back to the studio to watch a yoga competition. From here, two women and two men will represent Hawai'i in the World Championships competition in February. The goal is to eventually convince the Olympics committee that yoga be a category in future Olympic competitions. Two yoga teachers that competed won the first place for men and women.

My teachers and some fellow students that were watching told me that I should compete next year. Seems a bit nervewracking to have four judges and spectators staring at you while you do each pose without messing up, but it's something to work towards. I'll be ready next year.

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