Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday, 8 July 2005

Uncle Gary brought over lunch for Uncle Jimmy, Dad, and I. Afterwards, we ran errands, then went to Ala Moana to pick up a gift certificate for Bernice's birthday. We stopped by Honolulu Hale for a Thai celebration. But, I should've known they'd be on "Thai Time", which is worse than "Hawaiian time." Most of the "shows", which included dancing and food, weren't going to start until the evening, and I probably had more things in my house from Thailand than they had on their little display table, so we left. My dad told me about his doctor appointment yesterday with his internist. The doctor decided to write prescriptions for him for a wheelchair and a hospital bed, because unlike his neurologist, he doesn't think my dad should have to wait until he's debilitated for devices that could help him now. He also gave him water pills to help with absorption in his feet. He's already taken them, and his feet are noticeably smaller and not as swollen. He showed me how he can wiggle his toes in his right foot now, which he hasn't been able to do in over a month.

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