Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

Monday, 4 July 2005

Today was another lazy day for me. Last night at dinner, my dad's longtime friend Steve said that I looked relaxed. Yup, I've had many days to relax, that's for sure. I slept in and skipped going to morning yoga. In the late afternoon, I went with my dad and the family to Aunty Sandy's (Bernice's sister) house. They had a bunch of friends over for dinner - lots of local grinds, including barbeque chicken, spam musubi, beef stew, tripe stew, shoyu edamame, hot dogs (local style), chocolate dobash cake, banana cream pie, and jello cream pie. I talked with a couple of teachers about my search to find teaching jobs here, and they told me I should have no problem, but don't be surprised if I'm hired the day before school starts. Chatted about my travels and teaching in Thailand, as we looked at one of their friend's photos of a recent trip to Korea and Japan. We watched some aerial fireworks above the rooftops of some of the houses in Olomana, while listening to music that Sandy's husband Greg mixes (He's well-known in Hawai'i, on the mainland, and in Japan, as he has a recording studio in his house and works with many local musicians.) During the drive home, there were many people popping fireworks in the streets and driveways. I went to sleep to the sounds of pop, pop, pop, lots of smoke in the air, and the sound of fire engines whizzing by in the valley.

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