Thursday, July 21, 2005

Visiting the Past and Entering a New Future

Friday, 22 July 2005

Today, I took Dad and Uncle Jimmy to meet Uncle Gary for lunch. After enjoying some chinese food, we went to the bank, where I deposited more checks for Dad (I have become his secretary now, depositing checks for his 40th high school reunion golf tournament he's helping organize, and organizing applications for the Mau Club Scholarships.). I carried a heavy bag of pennies from our house (this being only another third of my dad's water jug collection), and got $52 from the coin machine at the bank. We went to visit their Auntie Keahi (my late grandmother's sister), who lives near Stevenson Middle School. The territorial sharpei and two scraggly dogs barked the whole time we were there sitting in the old, musty house, but it was nice for Uncle Jimmy to visit with his old aunt. She couldn't quite figure out who I was, even after telling her my dad, Johnny, was in the car. She held Jimmy's hand the whole time, which I thought was really cute, as she talked about gambling and having Hawaiian homestead land. I went back to my dad, sitting in the hot van, as he needed a window to be rolled down, and she gave Jimmy a bag of guava and papaya before we left, with Auntie Keahi waving at us from the doorstep.

Today, I found out that I have to resign from Seattle School District because I'm not allowed to work for another school district if I am on a Family/Health Illness leave. If, and when, I return to Seattle one day, I'll have to re-apply and see if there are teaching vacancies at that time. It will be interesting teaching at my old elementary school here in Hawai'i. I still have two friends from my third grade Kahala Elementary class, and my fifth and sixth grade teachers are still teaching there. When I start as the school's ESL teacher next month, I'll have to see if Ms. Ikehara and Ms. Sakai remember me.

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