Monday, June 25, 2007

Thinking Good Thoughts For Taiga

Monday, 25 June 2007

Miya's husband sent this email out today, as Taiga is still in serious condition, but as of last night, his white blood cell count is going up, so that is good.

"Dear Family and Friends,

I hope that you are all doing well at this time. I wish I could be sending this email under different circumstances. I wanted to ask you for your prayers and positive thoughts for our son, Taiga, who was hospitalized last week and is critically ill in serious condition, but is now stable in the pediatric ICU at Kapiolani hospital. He is on a respirator to assist him with his breathing as he continues to fight a serious infection. Just yesterday we received the first signs of positive news that his illness did not continue to progress any further.

So if you can please keep Taiga in your thoughts and your prayers we would greatly appreciate it. Every little bit helps. We thank everyone for their concern, love, and support as we navigate through this trying time."

Thank you and God Bless,

Martin / Junji & Miya

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