Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What To Do When You Can't Do Anything

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

The contraction medication, which is really actually a medication to control high blood pressure, seems to be working as I really have not had contractions this week.

Ate, slept, and watched TV today. Auntie Stevie and Lauren washed curtains for the baby room and went down to my house to put them up. They also brought up gifts I have received so that I could cut the tags off and have Chris wash the baby clothes. I asked them what condition the house is in, and they said that they gave Kaliko water since she didn't have any. The house is a mess, but there's nothing I can do about it. May have to call my troops up to help me purge things.

My brother called from the weeklong MDA summer kids' camp he's volunteering at this week to say that if I needed a video camera for anything, he and Shelly bought me one and it's in his room. Perhaps that's his way of asking how I am and seeing how I am doing. Brothers I tell ya.

Auntie Stevie and my cousin Lauren went window shopping at Ala Moana this afternoon. They told me they wished I could come. "Me too," I said. "I'll be thinking of you. Say hello to the stores for me. Tell them I miss them." And then I reassumed my reclined position on my left-hand side.

Baby's moving and kicking lick crazy all the time. Hope he's gaining weight too!

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