Monday, July 28, 2008

All Bright And Chipper

Monday, 28 July 2008

We had our last professional development day meeting before the start of school tomorrow. The topic: Rigor and Relevance. This principal seems really focused on instruction and leading teachers, so that's good, a change from our last one.

Chase was funny this morning. He wakes up at 6 am all bright and chipper and immediately goes to get the book we read yesterday, Today I will Fly. I read it to him, while he listened very intently. Then, he went over to the bookshelf to find other books for me to read. He kept bringing me book after book. We must have read for about 40 minutes until I finally had to wake Chris up to watch him so that I could get ready for work. At least I know my son likes books!

He was super animated at dinner (ate lots of eggs, cheese, and poi) and during bath time. He woke up 4 times in an hour though. That's not good. He's such a light sleeper. A helicopter flew overhead, the birds chirping in the morning, etc. I think I need to put his longer curtains back up in his room.

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