Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!

Friday, 4 July 2008

For the past few nights, we've been putting Chase down to bed without nursing him. He's been so tired that he's actually doing fine without it. Sometimes I'll wake up and "dream nurse" him in the middle of the night (because I'm engorged), but he goes right back to sleep. Today I decided to lay off the breastfeeding in an effort to wean him from the boob because all week long he's been biting me, dragging his teeth off, and in the process, cutting me so that I bleed. It's super painful and not comfortable at all. It stings and I just cringe when he's nursing. So, we've tried to introduce whole milk in a sippy cup this week. He kind of drinks it. But, he still wants the boob of course. I brought out the pump again from the closet and have been pumping so we can give it to him instead.

The past couple of days, I got stuff loaded and delivered for the ALS Support Group garage sale. Yesterday and today, Chase and I went to help out. Yesterday, we sorted through clothes and helped hang them on the racks. I was only as productive as Chase would let me be, as he kept wanting to crawl on the hot concrete driveway. We ate lunch and talked story with Chester, a full-blooded Hawaiian guy who was just recently diagnosed with ALS. He still is very active and can still walk (and move furniture!). He asked me about my dad's progression and stages and what he is to expect as far as losing his ability to walk, feed himself, talk, breathe, etc. It's so different for each person, but I think it gave him more of an idea of what to expect. He has a good, positive attitude though and has accepted his fate. He knows he is going to die, and is taking this time to enjoy life and travel with his wife and kids in the coming months.

My wrist has been hurting for the past couple of weeks. It just felt like a bruise at first, but now, there's tingling and I feel like I pulled a muscle of something. I've never had it before, but perhaps I have carpal tunnel. I'm now wearing a brace on my right wrist because it hurts so much to carry Chase in and out of the car seat, and I cannot even spread my fingers all the way without straining. Should probably go see a doctor and get it checked out next week.

After we dropped off another load of stuff in Kailua (Chris stayed home sick), we met Joel for lunch at Teddy's Burgers. He treated me to a burger and fries and played with Chase, who of course, was mesmerized by the birds. By the time we finished lunch, it was too late to find a beach to go to (with all the party revelers getting ready for the fireworks shows all over town). So, we just headed home and Chase played in the pool in the yard. He had fun entertaining himself with all his water toys, while Aunty Stevi, Uncle Gary, Chris, and I watched him. Chase's newest thing: He took 2 steps unaided to Aunty Stevi! I didn't see it (of course I missed a first again!), but she showed me after, and sure enough he took 2 steps to her!).

Chris went to bed early because he wasn't feeling well. I stayed up to watch the fireworks from the lanai. And, though, Chase went to bed easily without nursing, he woke up at 10 pm from the loud explosions in the valley. He was scared, and I had to carry him and have him fall asleep on me for awhile before I could put him back in the crib. No nursing though!

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