Saturday, July 05, 2008

No Boob!

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Last night was our first night of weaning, and although Chase woke up because of the fireworks, he actually didn't wake up for real until 5:30 this morning (which is a wee bit early actually). He wanted the boob right away of course, but couldn't because I knew how painful it would be. Off I went to 7 am yoga, leaving him with Chris to try a bottle if he needed. We had lots of pumped milk and whole milk.

When I got home, Chase still wanted the boob, but I didn't give in. I gave him a bottle instead, and to my surprise, after some moments of frustration, he actually took it! He drank about 5 ounces...He must have been so hungry! He hasn't sucked successfully from a bottle in 10 months! So, this weaning might not be as difficult as I thought. We'll see.

Chase spent the day at Nana's so that I could work on thank you notes and Chris and his dad could work on installing a window A/C in Chase's room. I had to pump a couple of times, and didn't pick Chase up until after 6 pm. He totally missed me and wanted the boob again, but I didn't give in. This time, he only drank a little milk from the sippy cup, but didn't take the bottle. I fed and bathed him and put him to bed. Tried to give him the bottle, but he only pushed it away. I tried to give him the boob, but it hurt too much, so I just put him to bed. He protested and cried and stood up in the crib, but after closing the door, he eventually went to sleep within 5 - 10 minutes. We'll see how long he sleeps tonight. I don't want to go cold turkey, but I'm just in such pain right now when he nurses that I cannot see myself allowing him to nurse again unless I'm healed. If he weren't teething and gnawing on everything in sight (including my boobs) I think it would be a different story. I don't mind nursing him in the middle of the night because he's not as violent pulling off when he's in a deep slumber. But, I still cringe every time. I know if he rips my flesh again, adding to my open wounds, I'm just going to scream!

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