Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chase is 15 Months Old!

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Usually, a drive up Tantalus is a beautiful, scenic drive, especially when the baby is asleep in the back, the sun is shining, and we know that we've had a productive morning of cleaning and packing (getting ready for our trip this weekend to California). But, I didn't realize that my sinuses were so plugged that the drive up the windy road would make my ears hurt, my head ache, and leave me feeling quite nauseous. Needless to say, we headed back down the road quickly and pulled over on the side of the road so that I could get some fresh air and collect myself. Next stop: Food for Tanya. Must get food. Nothing unusual, I know.

And, after food, of course we ended up doing some window shopping.

What a productive Saturday.

Today Chase is 15 months old!

What he's into lately:

* Sitting down on ledges, steps, and chairs. He likes to climb into his chair (and then stand!).
* Climbing up onto the bed (or couch) and backing down off the bed to get down.
* Climbing up stairs (He can get up our first ten stairs by himself, and then he looks up and starts crawling hand and knee because he realizes he has like 90 more stairs to get to the driveway!) and our hill of a yard (He likes climbing up the slope, but then usually falls down backwards or flat on his face into the dirt because it's so steep!)
* Picking at Mommy's underarm stubble and picking at her mole on her tummy and pretending to eat it.
* Dancing and stomping his feet. He loves to do "If You're Happy and You Know It".
* Laughing at his goofy Mommy and Daddy "trying" to sing and dance. He went into hysterics watching us do "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" (and I was in hysterics trying to teach Chris how to sing the song in the right sequence).
* Nursing (so much for weaning...with two colds this month, he's been back to the boob quite often)
* Drinking from a straw and a straw sippy cup
* Using his spoon (though he gets frustrated with trying to pick things up with the fork) to eat his food (left or right hand, doesn't matter)
* Chewing on things and putting things in his mouth (Though I thought we were over this stage months ago, turns out he's got molars and new bottom teeth coming in.)
* His new Crayola electric toothbrush (He loved brushing his teeth before...but now he loves it even more, and now we can really get at those molars!)
* Watering the grass (and shooting the hose at Nana!)
* Pushing the Swiffer or any push toy or play vacuum around the house
* Turning the TV on and off. He doesn't watch TV. He just discovered that something happens when you press the button. So, he'll press the button to turn it on, see the picture/hear the noise come on the tube, then turn it off, and wave his hand "All Gone!". It's that whole cause and effect thing...He's figuring things out in that brain of his! Uh oh!

His Favorite Books These Days:

* Goodnight Moon
* Five Little Monkeys
* Today, I Will Fly
* The Tiny Tadpole
* Peggy Pig's Dirty Day
* any pop-up book with sounds (especially Corduroy, Elmo, & Snappy Sounds books)

1 comment:

Snap Worthy said...

Wow!! He's so big :) Just found you on this thing and will be reading often!!!